Work Out Schedule

Wondering what everyones work out schedule is?! I just joined a gym and they helped put together a workout for me t do 2x a week.. with cardio the other 3x (im doing c25k)
I do 3 sets of each:

1. Tube walking: stretchy band on your ankles, slighty squatted, toe pointed in direction your moving. Big step-little step-while slightly squatted to the end of the wall then back.
2. Squat leg lifts(20x)- With tube still on squat down-up leg lift to side.. continue 20 times
3. Cobra thumbs up (20x)- lay on your stomach, palms down thumbs up into a cobra stance and legs lifting.
4. Chest press on the ball (15x using 8#)
5. Staggered Bicep Curl (15x using 8#)
6. leg machine (15x using 110lbs)
7. Hamstring curl machine: (10x using 35#)

Weight is low for now, but plan on increasing it soon!


  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    1Ohp, weighted dips, weighted back extension.
    2 Deadlifts, barbell rows,squats,pull ups
    3 Bench press, dumbell bench,dips, dumbell rows, curls ,
    4 Squats, calf raises, good mornings, leg curls more squats.