I made it 2 weeks, ready to say HI!

I am absolutely loving MFP! Just recently got my first tablet (hello 2015!) and MFP was one of the first apps I added (as well as Pinterest and following a bunch of motivational/fitness/weight loss boards).

I hope the initial enthusiasm stays with me....I am 2 weeks in, down 5.5 lbs, 5'8" 162.4 with unknown GW. (145?). Haven't been below 160 in over 10 years. Maintenance will be my true test.

Diary open. I'm a bit obsessed with peanut butter so there are a lot of entries for pb2 protein powder which I just discovered (mmmmm) and peanut butter flavour protein powder.

Also I'm Canadian, those aren't typos, we just spell a few words differently (flavour, colour etc)

Fitness friends welcome, let's motivate each other to do our exercise!
