Intermittent fasting? who's tried! :D

mtvstaff Posts: 57 Member


  • mtvstaff
    mtvstaff Posts: 57 Member
    Nice!.. yea I was taught to eat protein every 2 hours etc.. exspecially for my training... or I lose muscle if don't eat for so many hours blah blah.. not actually true.. also meal timing isn't true like we think it is.. or that "must have breakfast" no need..not eating this or that at night as its bad it's not true..when taking into consideration of calories thus doesnt matter. It's simply calories in vs calories out. Intermittent fasting is great way to sat lean..without cardio! And i mean abs lean! Use to laugh at it now It's a staple for weight control B)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Which version of IF? There are many.
    I've been doing 5:2 for two and a half years, suits my eating preferences and also my exercise routine very well.
    Far easier for me to adhere to a weekly goal rather than a daily goal.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i did the leangains 16:8 for a while. it really helped with building discipline and learning to curb my hunger, but now i'm back to eating more often, and having breakfast. it's just what seems to be working for me.

    there is no hard and fast rule about any type of eating. find somethig that works for you, and stick with it. if it stops, try something else.