To Juice or not to Juice



  • SiobhanG
    SiobhanG Posts: 5
    For me, the best way to deal with sugar cravings is to maintain stable blood sugar levels and get out of the spiking and crashing pattern. So I don't think the answer is fruit juice, it's probably more about being aware of hunger levels and eating enough protein, vegetables and healthy fats.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Juicing is WONDERFUL! I am all up in was one of the Triggers of Me becoming a Mucusless Vegetarian Practitioner. Juicing is great, you get all of the vitamins and minerals from whatever you're juicing BUT do not need to expend energy on heavy digestion. Don't be afraid to eat fresh fruit while on your juicing experience. Many people fail on a juicing cleanse because they simply see it as a way to lose weight. I juice all day about 3-4 times a week. REMEMBER: Detoxing the Body takes YEARS!!! Cleansing the colon and intestines may take years; Detoxing is a PROCESS that takes changing your diet over time and cellular and inter-cellular cleansing. Actually, what you are doing is a Fad, BUT it is a good start. May I also suggest 10-12 oz of Prune Juice each day AFTER you come home from work and don't plan to go out anymore that day; some use enemas during a cleanse, but I prefer Prune Juice, it feels more Natural to Me. Also Remember: If you go back to eating the same way Pre-Cleanse, ALL was for Nothing!

    ETA: People who do NOT understand how the Body works will always say "Don't Fruit Juice"...They Do NOT KNOW!