Re-starting after gaining 1 stone - help needed

dot124 Posts: 4 Member
Hi everyone,
I lost 82 lbs two years ago, through my fitness pal and have kept most of it off fine, till Xmas time, I got diagnosed with glaucoma in both eyes and I got stressed out, as I've been unable drive and I gained half a stone, then we had a trip of a lifetime to visit Australia to see our daughter, for four weeks and I gained another half a stone, which wasn't bad as I was drinking wine, every day and eating unhealthy.
BUT I can't seem to get back into my calorie counting, so I need some encouragement, plus my husband, says I look better, now I've put a bit more weight on! But I feel fatter and want to get back down to what I was.


  • slimstrauss
    slimstrauss Posts: 209 Member
    Hi Dot
    Know exactly what you mean.
    Lost over 2 stone then put half of it back on !
    Have been back since jan and down 16 lbs feel free to add me!