Obese & Deconditioned

I'm 26 and weigh over 300lbs. I'm surgically menopausal and am having a very hard time finding energy and motivation to exercise. I need ideas of simple, but effective, ways to exercise. I know the basics,ie: walking around, climbing stairs. but is there anything else you guys can think of that might help me?

I would also love the support of anyone who is on this journey. Help with motivation and good solid, encouraging friends.



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Have you tried kettle bells ?? I really like them . there is plenty of good beginner work outs on YouTube and anyone at any fitness level can do it :)
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    strength training. buy a couple weights that are the right size for u and u can do it pretty much anywhere. i also agree on looking on youtube so u can get proper form
  • kirstfk
    kirstfk Posts: 21 Member
    I use the pool, not always to swim but there is a small leisure pool near me where I go either walking in the water or light jog in the water or just bouncing up and down if thats all you feel like. Its amazing how many of us do it!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    Finding something you enjoy is a must! Whether its weights or cardio, water/pool exercises or walking or zumba - if you ENJOY doing it, you'll WANT to do it!

    6 months ago if someone had told me i would CRAVE going to the gym every day and my zumba class on fridays.... i would have told them they were INSANE.

    I'd have been wrong ;)

    I can't tell you how to get over the obstacles you have, but you need to have strong willpower. Even if its a short, 5 minute walk. Getting out the door, or starting at all, is usually the hardest part!
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    If you like swimming, it can be really great exercise. Also, don’t forget that tracking your calories is all you need to lose weight - moving more is great for your health and burning extra calories, and eating less is great for losing weight. Best of luck!
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Get a dog :) My home exercise equipment lol - loves to go on long walk & play - none of that "feels" like "exercise."
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    I've been there! I went from obese and sedentary to losing the weight, keeping it off for years and running marathons :) Strength training is a great all around exercise. Walking, which you know already, is a great exercise and anyone can do it. The key is to find something YOU really want to do. For me it was running, something I never would have dreamed I could do and yet here I am! I will admit I hated it at first but with time I learned to really love it and now I can't imagine not running. Try different things, try some classes and see what keeps your interest and then go with it. As someone also said, track your calories because I know for me personally I was eating much more than I thought I was. You can do this!
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    I thoroughly enjoy using videos off of Fitness Blender. I like the short 9-10 minute videos that way I can choose a few. Start with a few short ones, get you going, then figure out which kinds you enjoy. No point forcing yourself because that will get old fast. Do what you enjoy. Some good work outs as others have suggested are kettlebells and swimming, amongst many types of exercise. You can do this!