Hello from Florida!

junosunderland Posts: 9 Member
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I've had an mfp account for a number of years now (and used it on and off, with success during the times that I did count), but I've never dabbled in the community aspect. I feel like I'm ready to introduce myself finally. I guess because I finally see that I need a change.

Last week I weighed myself for the first time after a fairly rough year. Last year I lost about thirty pounds (280->250), but it was mostly through starvation from a poor living situation. I got out of said situation and into a new and very exciting relationship. I knew over the past several months that I had gained some weight back, but I didn't know how much til I weighed myself for the first time last week. I figured it was just back to my old weight, and it was quite the eye opener that the scale read 320

It felt like I should have been horrified (I certainly was when I first hit 280 pounds), but I felt weirdly free. Maybe the problem became big enough that I could no longer lie to myself and ignore it? Whatever it was, I finally feel like this, weight loss, is something I can handle. I only wish I had hit the bottom sooner.

So I immediately bought myself a nice scale (an Escali, which just arrived today, yay!) and I've been counting calories. It doesn't feel like the pain in the neck it used to feel like. Maybe because I have a smart phone, maybe because I can finally see this for the permanent lifestyle change it is.

At any rate, I'm glad to be here now, it's been very emotional looking over everyone's troubles, successes, and everything in between. I'm generally pretty nice and open, so please feel free to add me, especially any artists! Or anyone who also has 100+ pounds to lose!