Mother of 3, PCOS Surviver (!!!) looking for new pals!

Hi! I'm Nikki. 33 year old Chicagoan. Mother of 3 battling PCOS and have decided to stop lurking on MFP and just jump in and have some fun with this adventure. I just started a new weightlifting routine and I'm from the mindset that cardio is what kills fat and that you must never eat carbs. So, my mind is pretty blown and I'd love to have some new pals to chat with, encourage, be inspired by... just enjoy this journey with.


  • Suzcicles
    Suzcicles Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Nikki. I'm Suzanne; a 37 yr. old nursing student w/PCOS, also living in Chicago, and working to get back into good shape. If you would like, I'm here to chat :smile: