Slow down

mr_rat Posts: 35 Member
For most my life, I found that i have been over training. Since i was 18 i have done pushed cardio to the max(5 days a week). i have lifted semi heavy weight with relatively high reps. 3 -4 days a week. But never really focused on my diet. About 5 years ago I was in 2 bad accidents. Both with automobiles ( one with me in the passenger and the other walking). the rehab was slow and long ( i dont' bounce back as well as i did when i was younger ) As soon as i was able I started to push myself again. But this time i had gained a lot of weight ( about 5 years had passed).
SO i pushed myself harder, injured myself, had to take time off, was given the ok and hit it again. each time my weight would jump. Until i reached my max weight about 3 weeks ago. 355lbs. I met a fitness instructor who said I was over training. I was doing to much cardio. My diet sucked ( i knew this which is why i tried to compensate with more cardio). His instruction was simple....SLOW DOWN. he told me to give him a month doing things his way and if it don't like it he is free. What did i have to lose right?!? About 15 lbs in three weeks is what i had to lose.

I lift weights 2 days a week. I lift heavy and to complete exhaustion it only takes about 45 minutes for one session. I have increased my water intake to about a gallon a day. For cardio I go for easy walks about 3 miles a day and on Saturdays i walks about 6. Now i am a big boy and i know these results will not be maintained. But the scale is moving in the right way for once. FYI i am still worknig on portion control with the diet. No pics until i reach my half way point ( 300lbs))