
I've been at this for a couple of years. I have a great support system here at MFP and I'm just looking for some new, friendly faces that I can support and who can help keep me motivated.

Here's a little bit about me:

2013 was a year of ups and downs physically and emotionally. I was able to lose 27 lbs in 2013, but I still struggled with my binge eating...I started 2013 at 181 lbs and by the end I was 154 lbs

In 2014, I got a better handle on my binge eating, but I still had a hard time in the beginning of the year. I seemed to lose and gain the same 10 lbs over and over, so by the end of the year, I only lost about 7 lbs. I went from 154 lbs to 147 lbs.

I went from August 2014- April 2015 without a binge. My binge on April 26, was nearly 3500 calories, but I'm hoping it will be my last...for awhile at least. I'm planning a wedding and the stress yesterday was just too much, so I reached for the ice cream. I feel terrible for it. I ate about 3500 calories yesterday, but I'm trying to stay positive and start the week of right.

So far in 2015, I have lost 7 lbs. I am now 140 lbs.

My 2015 goals are as follows:

06/01- 136 lbs
07/01- 132 lbs
08/01- 128 lbs
09/01- 124 lbs