Hi everyone!

Hi everyone,

My name is Mele, and I recently joined myfitnesspal a couple months back but did not really use it as a tool for my weight loss regime. Just to give everyone a little bit about myself, I am currently a Master's student in Cell and Molecular Biology. As a student, I tend not to plan out my meals when I am doing school work or rushing to meet deadlines, and so by using the food diary on this website, I am hoping that this will help me adapt to a different and more healthy lifestyle. In addition to this, my dad has a "sweet tooth" and so, whenever I come home, there are a wide variety of sweets, which makes it even harder to resist and maintain healthy eating habits.

I recently decided to give the "myfitnesspal" a try to determine whether or not it can help me with my weight loss. Right now, I am on day #2 of the insanity workout program, with a current weight of 194 lbs, standing at 5'5 lbs. I noticed that my weight gain has made me less motivated to do certain activities, so that is why I decided to get back on track.

I am going to vegas August 15th, and I definitely do not feel up to par about this vacation trip. So, now I am using my vacation trip with my cousins as a motivation to thrive and become more active.

My motto now is, "Eat clean, train dirty."

If anyone has any comments on what works, or any suggestions, I am open to whatever would help.