burned out from exercising?

So I started circuit training 4 weeks ago, with a certified trainer, who advised me "every second day" to do this. I also took up boot camp, twice a week but only went once/week until last week...along with that I do about 30 minutes of cardio at the gym, and run for 30 minutes every other day, also do 30 day shred at home.
Since I started circuit training I have been eating clean (meaning a whole lot lot less) so I have been getting tired easy. I also started to do the Circuit thing every day for a week, as well as boot camp 3 times a week.... also know I have been lacking sleep since Thursday- & finally this past Friday I was just dead, sore, tired & completely burnt. I took the weekend off....
weighed in today I didnt even gain or lose any lbs for all of that work!?!?!
any one have any tips? I know I did something wrong somewhere down the line but not sure what?


  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    What do you mean by a lot less? If you would open your diary or give us an idea about calorie intake, it would be helpful. Did you measure inches or just look at the scale?
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Exercising a lot + eating less will usually backfire
  • sweetgrasswoman
    sweetgrasswoman Posts: 99 Member
    Since January I would eat about 1500- 1700 a day, with moderate exercise- but now i make sure im at the 1200 range with all of this exercise. My measurements havent changed just my scale on & off :noway:
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories?If you are eating around 1200 and exercising around 300, your net is 900 which means it's simply not enough. I know it sounds odd to say eat more to lose weight, but at 1200 you are already eating at a deficit and you would lose weight without exercise. Go to this site and find out your TDEE and BMR and make sure you NET in between those numbers. Most people do TDEE-20% but he makes it really easy:
  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    When you change up your exercise routine your body will take some time to accommodate the changes. It often retains water while repairing itself. Once it has finished repairing itself it will let go of the water. Your body is probably working to repair from all the increase in exercise, in a couple of days you will likely drop pounds.

    This would happen even if you didn't feel exhausted. Feeling too exhausted or out of energy is from not eating enough to fuel the exercise.
  • Sometimes it helps to put things into perspective and as the other poster recommended you're probably way too low. I'd go back to the 1800 you were at before perhaps even 100 - 200 more. Consider other aspects of life as well...busy day shopping, cleaning, playing with kids (if you have them), etc. The reason you feel burnt out is likely because you have zero fuel in the tank to continue. If you're honest with yourself, how have your workouts been the last week or so compared to the beginning when you still had the "fuel"? Are they harder now because they should become "easier", i.e. should be able to do more, faster, higher, heavier, etc?

    M: To Live - 1,200 Cals (with your deficit); Circuit - 300 Cals; Run - 200 Cals
    T: To Live - 1,200 Cals (with your deficit); Boot Camp - 300 Cals; Cardio - 300 Cals
    W: To Live - 1,200 Cals (with your deficit); Circuit - 300 Cals; Run - 200 Cals
    Th: To Live - 1,200 Cals (with your deficit); Boot Camp - 300 Cals; Cardio - 300 Cals
    F: To Live - 1,200 Cals (with your deficit); Circuit - 300 Cals; Run - 200 Cals
    Sat: To Live - 1,200 Cals (with your deficit); 30 Day Shred - 300 Cals
    Sun: To Live - 1,200 Cals (with your deficit); Rest
  • sweetgrasswoman
    sweetgrasswoman Posts: 99 Member
    OMGoodness THANKS FOR ALL THE RESPONSES! I went to get a physical done today & also spoke with my trainer- my body was going through changes, also had to repair itself, & refueling more was a must....so yes you are all right in the cal intake & giving my own body enough time to repair, especially with Strength training--- DUH I will defiantly listen to my trainer next time :blushing: was trying too much in one week :ohwell: but thanks for the inputs I really appreciate it:heart: