
I have been on my 1200 calorie diet for 2 weeks tomorrow and i have lost 11 lbs to date according to my moms scale (god i hope its right) I feel like I'm obsessed with food. I am constantly thinking about it, waiting on my next meal, and planning. i have went over one day by about 200 calories but someone said you need a cheat day once in a while. i dont feel like im losing enough and getting discouraged. Anyone have any advice? I have 2 kids at home and a stepson on the weekends and we are very busy but we barely eat out and when we do its usually subway. We cook with as much fresh food as possible like vegetables etc. Thank you in advance!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Okay so you are losing almost 1lb a day and you are worried...

    Take a step back and look at that..

    Most people are happy with 1lb a more food.

    That being said..1200 is too low. You have 70lbs to lose on your ticker so I have to believe you are not "small".

    Perspective...I am 42, 5ft 7 151lbs...I eat 1800 and lose 1/2lb a week.

  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    11lbs in two weeks is a huge loss! in fact it will slow down quite a bit. 1200 cals is extremely low. if u are hungry all the time and can't stick with it try increasing. remember weight loss isn't a race u didn't put it on in a month it won't come off that fast either. if this isn't fast enough your going to be very dissapointed. so change your expectations- 1-2lbs a week is healthy weight loss. if you have quite a bit more to lose u might get 3 sometimes. u can do this but u need to be in it for the long haul. don't focus on the scale, it only tells one story. focus on how much better u feel over time. all the best
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I'd be obsessed with food too if I was eating such an extremely low amount. You're losing at such a rapid rate you could eat a little more and still have great results.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    You might want to consider talking to a professional if you think that losing 11 pounds in two weeks is "not fast enough".
  • sscience74
    sscience74 Posts: 11 Member
    My first goal is 80 lbs lost and i know it wont come off as quickly as it went on. I need to "adjust" my brain to weight loss i guess and celebrate the little accomplishments. Thank you for your help. I am researching family friendly meals that fit my calories also.
  • FrostAyy
    FrostAyy Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 2015
    If you keep losing that much weight that fast you are going to get hideously loose skin. I recommend only losing 2 pounds a week unless your doctor says otherwise.
  • sscience74
    sscience74 Posts: 11 Member
    The app told me my goal for the day is 1200 that is why i am eating at that rate
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    OF course you're obsessed with food. Your body is hungry. Are you exercising? eating back calories? When i was at 1200 I exercised every single day and ate back ALL the calories. Cause i was freaking STARVING!

    now i eat 1500 and sometimes eat back and sometimes don't (Still work out every day). Both methods I lost about 2 pounds per week on average. Sometimes a little more, sometimes nothing.

    1 pound a DAY is NOT a healthy or sustainable rate of loss. At MOST you should be targeting 2 pounds a week and at 70 pounds I think it's .... 1.5? pounds per week (theres a chart, im sure someone knows)

    Your current relationship with food and weight is not healthy, and will not lead to long term weight loss.
  • sscience74
    sscience74 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks to all that replied but i feel like im being bashed for what the app said. i was looking for advice and support. Good luck to all on their journey.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    sscience74 wrote: »
    The app told me my goal for the day is 1200 that is why i am eating at that rate

    I would go in and do up your settings again...I suspect it was a bug...1200 for 80lbs is not somethign MFP would typicallly do.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    sscience74 wrote: »
    Thanks to all that replied but i feel like im being bashed for what the app said. i was looking for advice and support. Good luck to all on their journey.

    you asked for help. we provided it. you are losing at far too great a rate for it to be healthy, and yet you were acting like it wasn't fast enough?

    No one is bashing you, we are trying to HELP you before you cause your body DAMAGE.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    sometimes people come off alittle blunt on here but most just want to help . 11lb your first two weeks won't hurt it will mostly be water weight, we all see it at the beginning . i think we just don't want u to lose faith when the weight loss slows down! mfp probably should have assigned u a higher calorie count. i would maybe try somewhere around 1700-2000 cals a day to begin with. your doing well for having stuck with it just try eating a bit more to lose at a healthy rate
  • sscience74
    sscience74 Posts: 11 Member
    I redid my info with my current weight and it still says the same so i will continue to diet and walk (for now until i work up to more) my 2 miles a day and see what happens
  • FrostAyy
    FrostAyy Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 2015
    sscience74 wrote: »
    Thanks to all that replied but i feel like im being bashed for what the app said. i was looking for advice and support. Good luck to all on their journey.

    If you lose weight too fast you WILL get excessive loose skin. Don't say I didn't warn you.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    If you have MFP set at 2lb/week loss, try changing it to 1.5lb/week and see what it says. What did you put for your activity level? If you set it to Sedentary, maybe up it to Lightly Active and see how things go.

    This needs to be a sustainable life change for you, or you'll just end up getting fed up and quit trying - or, worse, gain it all back!

    This isn't a sprint - it's a much longer trip, and you need to make changes you can hang on to for a long time without feeling too obsessed :)

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    sscience74 wrote: »
    I redid my info with my current weight and it still says the same so i will continue to diet and walk (for now until i work up to more) my 2 miles a day and see what happens
    not bashing just really surprised...did you put in 2lbs a week? how tall are you? starting weight?

    I ask as 1200 is the lowest you can go and typically someone with a lot to lose is surprised at how much they can eat and still lose.

    If you are good with the 1200 and eat back your exercise calories and don't crash good for you...otherwise do try to eat more as you can lose muscle while dieting.
  • thegaragegirl01
    thegaragegirl01 Posts: 48 Member
    There's a great website called Symply Too Good to be True. They do great healthy meals, all family favourites, that are nutritionally balanced and fill you up without taking too many calories out of your day.

    Give it a go and see what you think. I find them a great help, when I get around to cooking them, that is.

    What MFP tells you is a healthy amount of calories to eat is probably correct if you're the A-Typical stereotype of the kind of person that those 1200 calories relate to. I agree with the others that 11lbs a fortnight isn't a sustainable rate of weight loss. However, if you are eating healthy and doing some exercise then that probably means you have a decent metabolism and can possibly eat a bit more during the day to counteract that.

    It's never good to be starving all the time. If you're hungry, eat something healthy or perhaps drink a glass of water, as thirst often masquerades as hunger. If you've only been at this MFP thing for two weeks you'll start to figure out what works for you. MFP is a guideline, it's not a law. You can change it up to suit yourself. :-) Maybe try eating a little bit more to stave off the cravings and do some extra exercise to counteract it? Try a few things and see how you go. So long as the trend is downwards over an extended period of time, you're doing well! There's not just one way to skin a cat :-)

    Good luck! You're doing well, so keep it up. Check in with your doctor every so often to make sure you're not losing too much too quickly. You don't want to do yourself damage by going too fast. Slow and steady wins the race.

  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 646 Member
    11 pounds in 2 weeks is tremendous progress. I think over time you will become familiar with the app and find a balance. Around a pound a week is a recommended rate because it is sustainable for many people...I think that is the voice of experience.
  • maineapple
    maineapple Posts: 133 Member
    If you are feeling like all you can think about is food, it is quite possible that you aren't getting enough calories daily. If you are this hungry, you could manage it for a while, but eventually I think it will be likely that you will just binge at some point out of hunger. In a round about way, I think it could be your body possibly crying out for a bit more calories. The body has that survival instinct and if you reduce calories too much out of self preservation, the mind can remind you to eat. If you increase the calories a bit, you probably won't have food coming to your mind as much. Good luck with your journey.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    sscience74 wrote: »
    I have been on my 1200 calorie diet for 2 weeks tomorrow and i have lost 11 lbs to date ......................... i dont feel like im losing enough and getting discouraged.

    Just how much do you think you should be losing? Honestly you are going to drive yourself mad unless you learn how weight loss works and whats reasonable to expect. 11lbs is a fantastic start. Healthy weight loss is c1-2lb a week, besides a decent amount of water weight at the beginning then if you lose too quickly you can lose too much muscle, which you do not want to lose becayse its hard work replacing it. please manage your expectations and get an idea of what future weight loss rates might be, then you cna avoid being so disappointed. For every 1lb you are asking your body to forego at least 3500 calories euther through food not eaten or exercise done.

    I would say 1200 is too aggressive considering how much you have to lose.