Power 90

xStargazerx Posts: 100
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm starting Power 90 today and don't know what to enter it in the computer as. Can anyone give me advice? Also, has anyone else done this program and can give me advice it would be great. I have a herniated disc and have to wear ankle stabilizers...lol... I can still do a lot but any advice would be great! Thanks!


  • barresa
    barresa Posts: 16 Member
    I've been doing it for 2 months now, I LOVE it! I wouldn't say it's "hard" it's just that it challenges and pushes you like a trainer would to push harder and or in a different way than you may have before. So Every exercise can be said to be hard if you were to really push yourself to point of exhaustion. I don't know how many people do that on their own, I know I don't.

    The Yoga X will probably be great for you and your "disc" ;o)

    I created my own exercise, one for each DVD and since I have a HRM I enter what i burned for that day, simple. I don't know if MFP works correctly with exercise if you don't have a pretty good idea of how many exercise calories you burned.
  • xStargazerx
    xStargazerx Posts: 100
    Thanks! I don't have a HRM. I should look into getting one. I want to try different things to work out and like the idea of doing it at home. I have two little girls so its easier to do at home then going to the gym. I love yoga! I hope it works. My back has been good so far after I had a steroid shot in my back but I just found out I have a piece of bone floating under my ankle. So needless to say it swells up if I'm on it for long so I have to wear the stabilizers. Thanks for the advice! I'm getting ready to start right now....
  • KarenL30
    KarenL30 Posts: 2
    What is Power 90?? Just curious. I too have some back problems so I am always trying to find things that will not effect my. Also what is an HRM? New to all of this. Thanks!
  • barresa
    barresa Posts: 16 Member
    What is Power 90?? Just curious. I too have some back problems so I am always trying to find things that will not effect my. Also what is an HRM? New to all of this. Thanks!

    OOOoops, I do P90X which I believe is even more intense than Power 90. I don't know if Power 90 has Yoga in it. I've never done Power 90 but look them up online. Anything that makes you move is going to work... :0)

    HRM is a Heart Rate Monitor.
  • xStargazerx
    xStargazerx Posts: 100
    Power 90 is the step down from P90X. I loved it. I was sweating so much! I did the cardio 1-2. Tomorrow is scuplt 1-2.

    KarenL30, its a program designed by Tony Horton to lose weight and get in shape by using body confusion. There are some things we can't do b/c of our back problems so you just have to improvise. I bought power90 b/c its not as intense as P90x and I know I'm not ready for that yet. My husband is active duty Army and he sweats and has a hard time the first few times he did p90x so I knew I could do that. BUt you can check it out at beachbody.com. Also, HRM is heart rate monitor. it helps to figure out your specific calories for your body. Good luck.... ps. yoga is GREAT for helping with back problems.

    barresa, Thanks for the advice. Mine is power90. Not ready for P90X yet. Although I have done yogaX. It was really good but intense.
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