whats your day like ( people who work at 4 or 5 am)

I am switching from a night shift to a day shift. I will have to be to work by 4:30 am . I am just curious...If you have to be to work by 4 or 5 what does your day look like? when do you wake up workout eat etc? thanks in advance for your responses :happy:


  • DonC77
    DonC77 Posts: 92 Member
    I am a "9 to5" not that there is such a thing anymore. But I wake up at 4:30am to go to the gym. I go first thing in the morning not only because it gets me going, but also when I get home from work between 6:30-7 I would find too many excuses not to get to the gym. The bottom line you have to do what works for you. Everyone has different demands to manage.
    Good luck with the change!
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    I don't need to be at work until 8, but I am up no later than 5 to walk with my dog before I start the day. For me, it's easier to do things in the morning. I don't go to a gym, but on days like today I bike to work, which takes me about half an hour. Then when I get home, between 5:30 and 6, I walk with the dog again. Our walks are usually around 30- 40 minutes, and I'm finding that the morning one is faster than the evening one. On the days that I don't bike, I walk on the treadmill enough to make up a full hour of exercise for the day. Bike days give me well over an hour of exercise, so no need to work on the treadmill those evenings. I'm in bed before 9 every night.
  • LaLaAlways
    LaLaAlways Posts: 50 Member
    i def want to workout in mornings before work but the idea of getting up at 2 or so in the morning after not getting to bed till who knows when doesnt sound good. ill have to try a few things and see what works for me and my toddler.