Can't seem to see or feel a difference...



  • Rockin2014
    Rockin2014 Posts: 196 Member
    Wow. There's a huge difference. Keep up the good work and hopefully your mind will soon follow and you will be able to see the amazing results your have created!
  • cj94404
    cj94404 Posts: 154 Member
    Xpecta wrote: »
    I think I was happier then... But that had to do with a struggle with post partum depression. Maybe that has something to do with why I can't see it? It's been a couple of tough months, and not being able to see my progress is discouraging. Still going on the hopes that I'll see it soon.

    One of my friends needed temporary medication for post partum. She said it helped a lot. And as you have read total strangers can see the difference. Feel better.

  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    There is a major, extremely noticeable difference in these pictures. Every part of you: face, neck, arms, visibly smaller. Sometimes it takes time to get comfortable and used to your new shape and to finally see what is very obvious to anybody else looking at you. If you are used to seeing yourself a certain way, that can influence your perception. You have gotten great results so far, and at some point your mind will let you see it.
  • KingsGirl4
    KingsGirl4 Posts: 152 Member
    It's weird I feel the exact same way. All my clothes are baggy now and falling off but I still feel like I'm in the same body. I'm always genuinely surprised when people comment on how much weight I've lost because I really feel like I'm the same.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm with everyone else - there's a huge difference between those two photos. If it's any consolation, I've lost 70lb and barely see it most of the time. Just occasionally, when I'm feeling really postive about myself. The rest of the time I have to be content with the fact my clothes are three sizes smaller.

    ETA: And I meant to say congratulations on losing the first 60+lb - you're doing an amazing job!
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    I will add that there will come a point when it will click and it will suddenly be very obvious to you. Then strange things will happen. For example, sometimes when walking down the street if I catch a glimpse of my reflection in a store window I will do a bit of a double take and be shocked that it's me and I look that thin. Same thing occasionally happens with mirrors. However, I still have those days when I look in a mirror and feel fat. It's just that now the good days outnumber the bad.
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    cj94404 wrote: »
    Xpecta wrote: »
    I think I was happier then... But that had to do with a struggle with post partum depression. Maybe that has something to do with why I can't see it? It's been a couple of tough months, and not being able to see my progress is discouraging. Still going on the hopes that I'll see it soon.

    One of my friends needed temporary medication for post partum. She said it helped a lot. And as you have read total strangers can see the difference. Feel better.

    I'm on temporary medication right now. I finally told myself that I needed it. I still have ups and downs though.

    Thank you all for your kind and supportive words!! I definitely feel better about my progress.

    Also, I had no idea that I had an hour glass figure. I always thought I had a pear figure *Shrug*
  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    I can definitely see a difference. Good work!!
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    Thank you :)