Struggling with shin splints & Recurring Stress fractures

I have long struggled with both shin splints and recurring stress fracture in both my time and fibula, These al started occurring when i was playing state basketball & netball as well as running regularly for fitness in my teens, I have always made sure to implement small increases in my running and have followed strict medical & paediatric advice but after following a running program after about 4 weeks the shin splints reappear, so i have finally decided it is time to find another form of exercise that will help, (just a bit of key info i loathe swimming with a passion so thats out), any ideas will be greatly appreciated as i am a lover of heart pumping cardio!

Thanks For the help!


  • niamhclem21
    niamhclem21 Posts: 21 Member
    Would spinning be okay? I have a foot tendinitis at the moment and have to rest it as very swollen and painful to walk. Your problem is obviously more severe but I feel your pain!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    cycling / elliptical