Returning after a year-clean eating and exercise :)

-and a weight gain of 14 lbs since then. a back injury then hip bursitis held me back from exercising for awhile :(

today is my first day back at eating clean and gluten free and {hopefully} sticking to the exercize classes! I plan to do tubo kick or kickboxing 3x a week and 30 day shred on the remaining days w/ saturday as my day of rest.

just here looking for motivation and support! :)


  • carmentownes
    carmentownes Posts: 46 Member
    I am doing the 30 day Shred too. UGH. I am only on day 3 but I am so sore...but it hurts so good..LOL! Good luck. I am not so much eating clean as just cutting back and making better choices. Trying not to totally cut everything from my life. Dont forget to take a before picture. And remember you will be gaining muscle doing the 30 day shred so you may want to try not to weigh yourself for a while so you dont get de-motivated. Good luck to you!
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    I'm currently doing Jillian's Ripped in 30, day 2 of week 3, and I'm going to start her No More Trouble Zones when I'm done! If you want to add me, feel free! I log every day and have been here for almost a year! Good to have you back! Good luck! :)