Whats a good routine

To start maintaining on.
How many days should I work out?

Should I still have cheat days?

I'm only 8 pounds a way from my goal weight.


  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    What do you do now? You should keep doing that.

    Maintenance is all about calories, just like losing and gaining. There is no routine that will make you magically maintain your weight. You have to make sure you balance your calories in and calories out. Eat too much, you will gain. Eat too few, you will lose.

    Also, maintenance is a range, not an exact number. Your weight will fluctuate day-to-day, so you should have a range you are comfortable with, for example your goal weight plus/minus 3-5 pounds (i.e. 135-145 if your goal was 140 pounds).
  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
    Thanks my Range is 169-171
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    To start maintaining on.
    How many days should I work out?
    The right number of days to suit your long term health, fitness and strength goals (+ enjoyment!)

    Should I still have cheat days?
    No your husband will be very upset if he finds you cheating! :smile:
    More seriously you need to find a way to fit in social events involving food, meals out, vacations, holidays and just eating for pleasure. Personally I would call that enjoying life and enjoying food rather than cheating.
    That may be viewing your calorie budget on a weekly basis and/or giving yourself a reasonable maintenance weight range to allow for fluctuations.

    I'm only 8 pounds away from my goal weight.
    Well done - you should be trying to lose those last few pounds slowly. Good practice for maintenance.

  • kpodaru
    kpodaru Posts: 133 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    To start maintaining on.
    How many days should I work out?
    The right number of days to suit your long term health, fitness and strength goals (+ enjoyment!)

    Should I still have cheat days?
    No your husband will be very upset if he finds you cheating! :smile:
    More seriously you need to find a way to fit in social events involving food, meals out, vacations, holidays and just eating for pleasure. Personally I would call that enjoying life and enjoying food rather than cheating.
    That may be viewing your calorie budget on a weekly basis and/or giving yourself a reasonable maintenance weight range to allow for fluctuations.

    I'm only 8 pounds away from my goal weight.
    Well done - you should be trying to lose those last few pounds slowly. Good practice for maintenance.

    ^^ this.

    i don't consider eating rich foods as "cheating" rather than just enjoying life. one bad meal won't undo all the hard work but don't make that bad meal a habit. my husband and i have started a fancy dinner once a month thing and we eat within reason (still no grains) but i even order dessert! and until now, i haven't had dessert since 2012. i consider this living :)

    i workout every day because i enjoy exercise. when you enjoy something, it's not a chore.
  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
    My plan is to eat 1800 Cals a day. workout 3 times a week.