Just getting started!

Slaynar Posts: 6 Member
Hello all, I am a 49 year old disabled vet, I weigh 380 pounds, 6'1", Chronic Bilateral lymphadema. I had a heart attack on the 18th of May and found out I have had a few smaller heart attacks since 2009. I have heart and cancer on both sides of my family line so the chips are stacked against me. I don't smoke, drink alcohol, and don't do drugs. I am not diabetic, but of course I need to loose weight. Due to my disability diet is the only way for me in the short term to loose weight. Perhaps if I can get some of this off I can start to walk again. My legs fill with lymph fluid to the point of some 30" in diameter. I have special pumps to work on that and as I loose weight I am hopeful they can come under control. In the past few years I tried a high protein 0 carb diet and lost 130 pounds in 6 months. But once I quit the diet it took me about 2 years to gain almost all of it back.

I truly believe that there is no quick fix to weight loss!! True weight loss is a "complete" reworking of your mind. Forget all that you have done all your life, what you eat, your activity level, the way and how much you sleep, all of this must change to truly succeed at weight loss. Don't just put a weight loss amount as your goal, you have to change what you do day in and day out to succeed for the rest of your life.

If anyone is interested I would appreciate any encouragement and I will be happy to do the same.



  • mdepko
    mdepko Posts: 283 Member
    First of all, Thank you for your service! Your second paragraph is the absolute truth in this adventure. I'm 55 and working on changing a whole lot of stuff, food, exercise, I quit smoking, etc, etc. You have the right mind set, and I would be honored to have you as a friend.
  • DebsDav
    DebsDav Posts: 16
    Good luck in your journey, can add me for support if you want.