Unintentional Half Marathon

shaunroberts Posts: 94 Member
edited April 2015 in Motivation and Support
Stepped outside on Sunday expecting to do my usual Sunday 6.2Miles/10K. At 6.2 miles i felt good so ran till 8 miles. At 8 miles i still felt good so ran to 10. At 10 miles i thought what the hell let's run a half marathon. I woke up the next day sore but good sore, everything hurt and I mean everything, but the feeling of accomplishment was immense! I've never felt so healthy in all my life.

4 months ago running half a mile would see me out of breath! Running 12.4 Miles seemed impossible! I would read stories on MFP and think there's no way I'll ever be able to run 5k, 10K etc Trust me with a bit of motivation and dedication you can achieve anything you want!

Just wanted to share and maybe provide some motivativation (If needed). If I can do this I can assure you anyone can!



  • blueyes8612
    blueyes8612 Posts: 3 Member
    That's so awesome! I just did my first 5K this past Saturday. I ran/walk most of it since I'm still over 200lbs but I am so hooked! I have two more that I've signed up for and want to sign up for a 1/2 marathon in October. You made that kind of progress in 4 months? That's fantastic
  • shaunroberts
    shaunroberts Posts: 94 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well done on the 5K :) Very addicitive isn't it:) I found the more weight I lost the easier it got and the further I could run. The further I ran the more weight I lost. Its amazing how quickly your body adapts and becomes more efficient. By October youll be doing your half marathon easy :)

    I've trained hard since the beggining of January when I was at my heaviest. 6 days a week of cardio. 3 days running slowly building up from 2.5miles to 6.2 (10K) and 3 days of Max 30 followed by straight after by Insanity. Every 7th week is my rest week.

    To be honest I won't be running half a marathon every week as im a bit worried about injury. Im thinking once every 6 weeks just before my rest week lol

    The only problem I've found with running is that it makes me incredibly hungry! So sticking to my calories isn't always easy lol
