progression pics

how do we post pics to show how far weve come with bodu progression?


  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Well, you'll need to host them somewhere, maybe photobucket, then link them here.
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    If you have pictures saved on your computer, you can just attach them to these posts (there is a picture of a piece of paper just above the reply box when you are typing out the responses).
  • Dllawson451
    Dllawson451 Posts: 44 Member
    i still havent seen it..
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    Are you on the app? If so you won't be able to post them the way I said. You would have to be on the laptop/computer.