Really Bad Cravings



  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    BILLBRYTAN wrote: »
    You have cravings because you are mal nourished by not eating enough and/or not eating food. Doritos are not food! They are a double whammy, low grade gmo cornmeal soaked in refined low grade fat, both of which are poisons. Lard would be far healthier.

    Malnourished is *probably* not the word you are looking for here....

    Remember, you are making this a lifestyle change. Are you going to go without Doritos for the rest of your life?! I would also recommend factoring these things into your calorie allowance and letting yourself enjoy them. I let myself have a treat every day, whether it is a croissant, doughnut, chocolate, cake, etc. Otherwise I would go crazy and end up binging!
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I have been doing this for almost 2 years and I have horrific cravings all the time. All I want is sugar and pizza and I have to try REALLY hard to ignore it. I was extremely stressed this past month and allowed myself to have the first binges I have ever had during this journey and I have felt like an awful, gross person ever since. I ate so much stuff I don't even want to write it down.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Too severe. its a lifestyle change. so agree with all those who are saying fit them into your allowance by moderaing the amount. You will drive yourself mad and binge otherwise or even quit.
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    I like a bag of pork scratchings on a Saturday night. Full of fat but I wait all damn week for them so I fit them in!

    Factor a few in and stop telling yourself you can't have any. That's a recipe for disaster and binge time.
  • mrbobfranz
    mrbobfranz Posts: 15 Member
    So an update. Thank you all for the advice. It helped. I went back tot he gym last night did my workout and still had room in my diary for some so I did it. No more craving. Now after reading all your stories here I understand this is something that I need to fit in or will ultimately fail. I did portion out the large bag and only had one serving and it was enough in the end to kill the craving.

    Thanx all for the advice and good luck.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    mrbobfranz wrote: »
    So an update. Thank you all for the advice. It helped. I went back tot he gym last night did my workout and still had room in my diary for some so I did it. No more craving. Now after reading all your stories here I understand this is something that I need to fit in or will ultimately fail. I did portion out the large bag and only had one serving and it was enough in the end to kill the craving.

    Thanx all for the advice and good luck.

    Glad you came around! I've abandoned every diet that involved giving up junk food. Always ended up binging and gaining weight. But I have a treat almost every day and chips aren't keeping me up at night. (-54 pounds down now)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    BILLBRYTAN wrote: »
    You have cravings because you are mal nourished by not eating enough and/or not eating food. Doritos are not food! They are a double whammy, low grade gmo cornmeal soaked in refined low grade fat, both of which are poisons. Lard would be far healthier.

    LOL so much no ...

    doritos are not poison ..good lord. They contain fats and carbs.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    mrbobfranz wrote: »
    So an update. Thank you all for the advice. It helped. I went back tot he gym last night did my workout and still had room in my diary for some so I did it. No more craving. Now after reading all your stories here I understand this is something that I need to fit in or will ultimately fail. I did portion out the large bag and only had one serving and it was enough in the end to kill the craving.

    Thanx all for the advice and good luck.

    good for you OP ...
  • meggrose1985
    meggrose1985 Posts: 15 Member
    I did the same thing with soda. Went from drinking 3-4 a day to 2 a day to 1 a day, now I'm 46 days with no soda. I had a sip last night because it was the only thing in the car to take a much needed migraine pill, and I could barely swallow it tasted so gross after going so long without it. It really does get much easier the longer you go, and the slower you take it down.
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    If I am really craving, I would log in the calories FIRST. Sometimes, just seeing that nasty red number showing that I went over my allotment for the day would have made me go back to bed without the Doritos - and thankful that I didn't buckle.

    Yes, I do eat that kind of stuff now and then, but I plan on it and really enjoy it when I do.

    I think that getting out of bed to eat even a few Doritos in my PJs after having brushed my teeth would make me feel far worse than the annoying craving. But that is just me and one of my many guilt complexes.