Returning better than ever

rdfaye Posts: 39 Member
I started MFP in late January and lost a few pounds but had to stop due to knee replacement surgery in March. Well, I went back to work last week,and officially graduated from PT today! I still have exercises and stretches to do every day, plus elevating and icing the knee every morning and evening, and taking walks when possible. This is not leaving a lot of time for meal prep, but I am going to try to do better as my leg permits. It is still uncomfortable to stand for very long. And speaking of meal prep, I am going to treat myself to some WV chili dogs as soon as I'm done with this ice session. I am looking forward to getting healthier and losing someweight! A correctly functioning knee will definitely help!


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Welcome back- you've got this!
  • Linovitz
    Linovitz Posts: 79 Member
    When you do have time for meal prep, cook more than you need. That way you can live off of leftovers. I like grilling up a pound or more of chicken breast at one time. Eat some now, and some later in different forms - wraps, salads, soups, etc. Same with beef. I also make up a big slaw of cabbages (red and green) cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, peppers and dress it with basalmic vinegar, dijon mustard, honey, lemon juice, pepper. You can add some EVOO, but I usually don't. One batch keeps all week. Reduced fat sliced cheese is also easy and keeps for a while in the fridge. Meatballs are another good make ahead option. Also big batches of meat chili or white chicken chili. good luck. Yum - what is a WV chili dog? West Virginia?
  • rdfaye
    rdfaye Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks! Linovitz, you are correct. I was born and raised in WV. A standard hot dog there consists of bun, mustard, hot dog, chili, chopped onions, and coleslaw. As a (picky) child, I refused to eat the actual hot dog or the coleslaw. So my mom loaded up the bun with mustard, chili, and onions and called it a chili dog. I'd eat everything now but had no hot dogs and no desire to make coleslaw for one, so I went for my childhood standby. As a side note, I never saw a hot dog served without chili until I left WV.
  • rdfaye
    rdfaye Posts: 39 Member
    Oh, and I do cook big on the weekends normally, and hope to get back to it soon. But right now my knee just can't tolerate a lot of standing. Your slaw recipe sounds good. I may try that.