Quit smoking& can't stop eating

I've been quit smoking 1 month & have gained 5 pounds. Cannot stop eating (esp. sweets)!!! If I gain 5 lbs/ month, I'm screwed!!


  • glen_x_treadaway
    glen_x_treadaway Posts: 4 Member
    Hey. Read a book called 'Allan Carr easy way to quit smoking' I stopped and didn't gain a pound. I hope that helps.
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    I did too. I was lucky enough to be pregnant. Quitting is hard. Good luck.
  • jacquifrench304
    jacquifrench304 Posts: 131 Member
    try some no sugar chewing gum , sip water all the time too can help , quit myself a few years ago , and I still chew gum,
  • michkins33
    michkins33 Posts: 13 Member
    I had some good
    Luck with herbal toothpicks
  • FloridaMG75
    FloridaMG75 Posts: 169 Member
    You're doing great tho cause I can't quit smoking or eating lol
  • govan675
    govan675 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm going through the same thing right now I quit smoking and started working out twice a day once in the am and once at night water fruit and gum are my friends right now
  • rhondamo0125
    rhondamo0125 Posts: 1 Member
    I quit 4 months ago. Gained and lost about 5 pounds 5 times already, Was doing great till I moved into a new house with stairs the fell and bounced down on my bum. Exercise impossible until this week, hungry all the time though. I never had this appetite while smoking. Done this before and gained 80 lbs last time. I lost it all but after I started back. Not letting it get me again! So this nifty little app told me just why I am gaining. I thought I was not hardly eating until I honestly wrote it all down, coffee with cream and sweettea and all of it! My word! So I busted my calorie intake by 1000 today ! WTF!! Gotta do better than that tomorrow. Wish me luck and better choices!
  • Becca29tx
    Becca29tx Posts: 9 Member
    I quit two months ago. I started working out twice a day. Walking in the evenings up to three miles and now jogging at least two to three miles on top of that. I notice the more I work out the less I crave smoking. Also at night I drink lots of hot non caffeinated herbal tea to keep cravings down. Ive lost weight and haven't smoked.
  • roeyrolex
    roeyrolex Posts: 8 Member
    Nicotine is a ridiculously effective appetite suppressant. You should look into vaping, it's definitely not good for you but it's the lesser of two evils if you still have nicotine cravings. I found that counting my calories and planning what I eat ahead of time helps me stay on track, even though some of my friends and family tell me it's "obsessive".
  • Julieree56
    Julieree56 Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2015
    Congratulations on quitting smoking. That is wonderful. I quit January 6th. I replaced sweets with fruit, added in nuts as they are healthy and filling, started drinking lots of water. I started walking for exercise and to get me away from the food when I had cravings. As the cravings started to subside I was able to start replacing the fruit with vegetables and exercising more. I have since been able to go gluten free and sugar free and no longer have cravings and have an abundance of energy. I am so glad I quit. I have lost 15 pounds so far and lovin' it!!! I wish you all the best.