Doing this again

Hi everyone! Just hoping to find some friends who can help keep me motivated. Last year I lost around 40 pounds but have since gained it all back (and then some) after a big move and giving up my healthy habits. Three weeks ago I started back at it and have lost almost 14 pounds and still have about 50 more to go, give or take 10 pounds depending on how I feel at that point. I'm currently eating low carb, cut out most sugars and all processed foods. I use my elliptical a few days a week but am finding other ways to be more active that don't necessarily feel like exercise. I'm feeling great and motivated. I'm 22, live in Alaska, and have an amazing 2 year old son who is the biggest reason I want to get healthy (again). If anyone needs any motivation or wants to send some my way, please send me a friend request! :)


  • abev1016
    abev1016 Posts: 44 Member
    You can get it done ..... Welcome Back
  • GlacierGirl907
    GlacierGirl907 Posts: 40 Member
    edited May 2015
    Sending good vibes your way from one Alaskan to another. I'm 41mom of 3. I was pretty healthy a couple of years ago but life changes and so do our body's without our permission lol.anywho went from 117 to 157 I just lost 17 pounds doing the bikini mommy challenge and is gonna start the new one on Monday.I quit baking I goodies I love to cook it was all the deserts I made lack of motivation and hubby working night I got on his schedule and we both put on weight. Now he has his old position back so he is gone for months at a time it gave me the motivation to get healthy again and be that woman he fell in love with body wise lol. Looking for anyone who want to start the new challenge with.