Looking for 2-3 people for a "support system" who need to lose 100+ lbs

starz160 Posts: 50 Member
Hi! My name is Samantha. I am 28 and weight 295 lbs. My ideal weight (per my doctor) is around 155. I need to lose 140 lbs! That is almost HALF of my body weight.

I am looking to form a specific online "support group" through MFP. People who need to lose 100+ lbs who will post updates and replies frequently. I find that being held accountable by others is the best way to accomplish one's goals. I also think that by meeting people who are similar to myself, we can work together to accomplish our goals and become friends in the process.

If interested, hit me up!


  • Deborah1229
    Deborah1229 Posts: 8 Member
    I need to lose 135 lbs. If life to be part of your support team pear
  • starz160
    starz160 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you _incogNEATo_. Right now, I'm looking for just a couple people to be friends with so it's more personal rather than just reading through large forums. I appreciate your help though! Deborah, I added you as a friend! After I get a few people, I'll create a private group for all of us.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I am trying to get down to 150 so I have 115 to go
  • starz160
    starz160 Posts: 50 Member
    Treece, do you think you'd like to be a part of a small, more personal group?
  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member
    This sounds like where I belong. At 5'10" I am currently about 300 pounds and am looking to get below 200. A small group seems like it would offer more accountability than larger ones I have joined.
  • jonmazingly
    jonmazingly Posts: 20 Member
    Still looking for support buddy??
  • amlynn16
    amlynn16 Posts: 20 Member
    Let me know if you need encouragement. Ive lost 110 pounds and having a support system is key.
  • starz160
    starz160 Posts: 50 Member
    mikonei and jonmazingly, I sent invites. Amlynn, I hope to one day be able to say that too! You rock!