In need of help, my scale isn't moving



  • sissy60504
    sissy60504 Posts: 21 Member
    I will definitely have to invest in a food scale because I assumed that measuring was good enough. Sigh I will get this all down one day
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    What everyone said about weighing your food is the best advice. I especially recommend you weigh the fruit you eat - I see a lot of generic “cup” entries (a cup of grapes? hard to get an accurate measure of that). One thing that surprised me a lot when I started using a food scale is how many calories there really were in fruit.

    Don’t worry though, I’m sure you’ll start seeing results once you get a scale. They’re really cheap (see amazon) and a very good way to get a more accurate idea of portion sizes and all that. Best of luck!
  • redzgal
    redzgal Posts: 255 Member
    Yes..weighing is key. And when you do, weigh in grams..not cups. More accurate that way. You'll be surprised how much you were eating and you should weigh everything! Amazon is a good place to get one cheap. Good luck!
  • nersteve
    nersteve Posts: 12 Member
    sissy60504 wrote: »
    I do not weigh. I simply measure with measuring cups. Also I do use a lot of the generalized items. For example this morning I snagged a biscuit with 3 half strips bacon from cafeteria so I don't have packaged values in those.
    For now... I think this is the biggest issue. Stop snagging. Let me try to put a positive spin on this.... the less you "sang something" the more control you have over what's going on in your body.

    Case and point..for me. Last night on the way home form work I was getting hungry (Good, body is feeding off itself rather than what I put in it) I have come to like this "hunger feeling" lately...motivation. But last night I just didn't want to deal with it. I was going to snag a maybe a small pizza... ooh no! A burger with fries AND onion rings! It's easy... less cleanup... quicker in that I don't have to prepare it, just call it in and then eat it. I thought of how disgusted I would be with myself in the morning when I jumped on that $150 scale I bought that auto updates here... (there's that accountability I personally needed, anyone on my friend list would see it).

    So... I opted for a 2 egg sandwich that I made at home. Already feeling hungry I had a glass of water while making dinner. Instantly the "craving" for that sub was gone.

    I could have snagged an egg sandwich somewhere... but for me, right now, I want to know exactly what I'm putting in my mouth. I just started this so I am on the learning curve. I lost 2.9 lbs cuz I made the choice not to snag takeout.

    Hope my example helps you. Good luck and stay strong, stay the course. You can win.
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    Just want to add my 2cents on getting a scale. I got a digital one at Walmart and it works great. Since I started using it regularly, the scale finally started going down. Some things are just hard to measure. Like spinach. I mean, really... The difference between a lightly filled cup and a packed cup of spinach could be 4 times its weight. I use measuring cups for liquids, but for everything else I use my scale. It has made a huge difference.

    Another thing - I finally broke down and entered my recipes that I use regularly into the "my recipe" section here. It surprised me how inaccurate some of the guestimations were in the database. It took some time, but now I've got a pretty good list of calories in the food that I make at home. When you don't have a lot of room to guess (I'm pretty short, so my calorie goal to lose weight doesn't give me a lot of room for mistakes), accuracy really is the key.

    Good luck!