Anyone want to help a New-b??



  • djmiller54
    djmiller54 Posts: 37 Member
    Stand on stairs, w front of foot on and back of foot over the edge (hold onto railing!). Slowly lower each heel in turn to stretch back of calf. Also can lean against counter with one foot forward and one back. You have 2 main muscles in your calf. Bend back leg at hip (heel on the floor) to stretch one, bend back leg at knee (heel on the floor) to stretch the other. Or...take a yoga class with a good instructor and tell them about your issue before class starts!
  • CockneyLady2014
    CockneyLady2014 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi again. You are asking how to check MFP food groups. I have checked your profile and it doesn't appear that you have a food diary.
    Have you completed your profile when you joined MFP? If not that is the starting point. Based on this information MFP will provide you with how many calories you need to be eating on a daily basis.
    This food diary will show you the breakdown of the food groups (you select what you want to be included in your food diary).
    Check mine out and it will show you what it looks like.
    I hope this helps you.