Tired of the chunky dunk!

Hey y'all!

Nichole here from GA. I'm trying to lose 50 lbs.... Have recently quit the YUCK habit of smoking.... Eat better... Live healthier... And just have a more active lifestyle! Looking for advice on meal suggestions, exercise that really burns the calories, and any other weight loss tips anyone has B)


  • kat_dur
    kat_dur Posts: 6 Member
    I quit smoking and started eating better at the same time too. It's hard! Once you get it all out of your system though, it feels so good.
  • nicholehollis9
    nicholehollis9 Posts: 14 Member
    Right on Kat! I already feel somewhat better! My cravings are gone... Now trying to get in shape to keep from gaining more weight while losing what I've already gained!
  • MomMel65
    MomMel65 Posts: 47 Member
    Chunky dunk! LOL!! That caught my eye, had to come and see what this was about :-) Congratulations on quitting smoking!! I quit just over 18 years ago...was THE hardest thing I ever did. Losing weight is easy compared to that hell. But oh my, the benefits! You won't smell like a grit anymore, your perfume will smell differently on you, your clothes won't reek of it, food should taste better...not to mention your body loves you for it! I'm no expert for "weight loss tips" - but when I started here 3 weeks ago I was searching the boards and came across a fella who lost 150 lb. and said "ask me anything" - so I sat and read that one...so long, but he has some great info. His biggest tip is that he regrets not having started weight training sooner. I took his advice and went to the trainer at my gym and asked him to get me into a weight lifting routine, and I feel SO much improvement, like everywhere. And the weight is peeling off. I believe what he says, you work them muscles and they'll do some work for you. And if you don't have a gym membership, you can do it at home, all you need is a set of dumbbells and maybe a barbell with weights. Keep on being a success, girl!!