Anyone else getting started... AGAIN?



  • lethwin
    lethwin Posts: 18 Member
    Im back for a second round as well. Lost 25pds a few years back but got back into bad habits and gained it all back plus another 10 ;(. My fat pants were getting tight last month and had to decide whether to buy yet another set of bigger clothes or get serious and start losing it again. Been at it for a month now and feeling great. Lets all hope for long-term success this time around !!!
  • RC_22
    RC_22 Posts: 1 Member
    Yup I went from 233 lbs to 186 lbs about three years ago, I tracked everything I ate for 8 months solid (good and bad) then gained 10 lbs back in a year and swore I would never get over 200 again, then gained 10 more and then again and again!!
    I tried a few things over the last few months other than tracking food and nothing else seems to work for me.
  • SuzPero
    SuzPero Posts: 22 Member
    Me too, I feel sad knowing so many have slipped. I was 195, got down to 147....and now I am at 166. I am seriously fighting NOT to gain, let alone thinking I am going to lose. I am worried I will be back up there again .... so please if anyone want to friend a 54 year old struggling here and needs some support, please add me too!!
  • Frequently_Fabulous
    Frequently_Fabulous Posts: 132 Member
    I'm fighting regain as well, le sigh. Feel free to add