Halfway to my Goal!!!!!!

heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
Yeah - I stepped on the scale this morning with a surpising two pound loss and I just realized that I am now halfway to my goal!!!! I have lost just over 31 lbs in 5 months!!!! I'm super excited - I can't wait to see what happens in another few months!

How did I do it?!?

Well I lost about 12lbs fairly quickly in the beginning by just changing my diet and becoming more accountable for what I put in my mouth - adding friends on MFP and making my food diary public definitely helped me because I knew some people would be checking in and keeping me on track.

The second leg of the journey was harder my weight loss slowed down to only about half a pound a week and then stalled out completely at the 18lbs loss mark. Thats when I picked up the exercise - no more excuses. I bought the Jillain 30 day shred and did it religiously for the entire 30 days only taking off 4 rest days the whole month. That helped me lose another 9 lbs and several inches - I love Jillian.

The most recent thing I have done to vamp up my weight loss was to take a closer look at my food intake - I started tracking sugar and sodium - I get most of my sugar from fruit so that wasn't a big change (I'm not going to give up on fruit), but I had been consistantly over my sodium by about 1500 mg every day - I started getting closer to the goal number and now am consistantly at or just under my sodium. I also started drinking water - LOTS of water - at least 10 -12 glasses a day plus I have added a 30 minute jog/walk almost everyday and to fill the Jillian void I'm now doing the EA Active for Wii 30 day challenge bringing my total workout to about an hour at least 5 days/week. That has enabled me to lose over a pound a week for the past three weeks - oh and I eat almost all of my exercise calories - I may leave about 100 or so at the end of the day if I'm not hungry, but when I'm hungry I eat them!!!!

Good Luck to everyone on your journey and thanks for all the help and support pushing me this far and keep it up - I have 30 more lbs to lose!!!!


  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    that is so exciting and a true inspiration to me! I need to get this shred thing everyone keeps talking about. Is it at Walmart? How long does it take per day? At this rate you will reach your goal in less than a year! SO GREAT!
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    You are amazing!! I am so proud of you and glad to be one of those friends congratualtions.gif!!

    I have come to the conclusion that my salt intake is hampering my weight loss, too. I am trying to keep this low. It is definitely a tough one for me as I love salty foods much more so than sweet.

    Keep up the hard work..it is definitely paying off!

  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    that is so exciting and a true inspiration to me! I need to get this shred thing everyone keeps talking about. Is it at Walmart? How long does it take per day? At this rate you will reach your goal in less than a year! SO GREAT!

    Its a DVD - at wal-mart, target, and you can probably find it on ebay. I got mine at walmart for about $9 (SOOO cheap for what she does!) and its only 20 minutes a day and all you need is hand weights, I used 3 lb weights - which was so ideal for me because I'm a stay at home mom with two kids and finding time to exercise in the day was challenging - I started doing it when the baby was down for a nap and I could get in a workout and a quick shower before he woke up!!! I highly reccomend it!!!! You can do it too - your goal is very close to mine - we were probably at about the same starting weight! GOOD LUCK!!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    You are amazing!! I am so proud of you and glad to be one of those friends congratualtions.gif!!

    I have come to the conclusion that my salt intake is hampering my weight loss, too. I am trying to keep this low. It is definitely a tough one for me as I love salty foods much more so than sweet.

    Keep up the hard work..it is definitely paying off!


    AWWW thanks so much and you are definitley one of the friends I was talking about!!! I think sodium does terrible things for a woman trying to lose weight with water retention and everything - now that I have that in check I'm doing great!!! It was hard though - I ate a lot of lean deli meats for lunch because it was healthier than the alternative but the sodium was killing me - so I cut back to half the meat and cut out a few other high sodium foods altogether and it has helped! GOOD LUCK You are doing great as well!!!! You're an awesome mfp friend - you definitely keep me motivated!!! Thanks!
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    OK well Im going to walmart today so I will buy it. I am going to try to start gettin up an hour earlier in the AM. It is the only time during the day that I can claim as my time. I will try that DVD soon. My start weight is 228.8! The biggest I have ever been (not pregnant, when I had my daughter 4 years ago I went in at 235 ) so gotta get to it! My BFF told me that when I've had enough then I will change so this is it!

    Thanks for the add! Can't wait to see your ticker move all the way over!
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    What a great job you have done! I started out very fast also on loosing the pounds, due to my water retention. Within 3 weeks, I had taken off 20lbs. I thought WOW, this is going to be easier then I thought, what the heck have I been waiting on! Then, once alot of the extra water was gone, oh boy did it slow down. Then come's TOM, and here comes back 2-3lbs. GRRR! I started off just tracking calories and carbs. Once it slowed down on the scale, I started tracking protein, fiber and sodium also. Boy that put a change in what I was eating. I pack my lunch almost daily, and thought that fat free turkey was good for you. NOT!! The sodium is unreal in it. I bet before MFP, there was day's I was getting 5000-7000 grams of sodium a day. I added the exercise at 3 weeks. I am very limited on what I am allowed to d and have to check with the doctor first due to a extremely large hernia. She wouldn't allow the Richard Simmons sweating to the Oldies so I don't know if she would allow the Jillians 30 day shred or not. Oh, and I love when people have their food diary open to the public, because it really helps give me ideals, on top of keeps me honest also! Keep up the great work, you are truely a inspiration to us all!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Great job! :smile:
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    AWWW thanks so much and you are definitley one of the friends I was talking about!!! I think sodium does terrible things for a woman trying to lose weight with water retention and everything - now that I have that in check I'm doing great!!! It was hard though - I ate a lot of lean deli meats for lunch because it was healthier than the alternative but the sodium was killing me - so I cut back to half the meat and cut out a few other high sodium foods altogether and it has helped! GOOD LUCK You are doing great as well!!!! You're an awesome mfp friend - you definitely keep me motivated!!! Thanks!

    Thanks right back at ya! I love seeing all your progress. It definitely keeps me on track and helps me want to accomplish my goals.

    I luv my deli meat and cheese with lots of veggies, too. I am trying to not eat it so frequently and keep my water intake really high (usually drink 10-12 cups a day) to help flush it out on the days I do.
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