Weight Watchers



  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    WW is a great program, very similar to MFP in that it is based on CICO (or in the case of WW, PIPO...points in, points out). It does work, if you work it (again, just like MFP).

    I recently canceled my membership because I found that I can do just as well (if not better) with MFP, which of course is free. Also, the WW website is TERRIBLE, antiquated and slow. And I was constantly getting kicked off the mobile app.

    If I'm going to be paying for the tools to lose weight, I think I can reasonably expect that those tools will work, but sadly with WW they don't, much of the time.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I seemed to be hungry 24/7 on WW. I honestly think they had my points wrong and I was starving. Looking back they probably had me at 1200 calories a day and that's just not enough for me. I would bring it up to them that I was hungry all the time and they told me that it was my fault I was hungry all the time and I was eating incorrectly. I like MFP A LOT more. I'm hardly ever hungry on MFP and it's free.
  • ntenna01
    ntenna01 Posts: 5 Member
    " I'm really surprised that your doctor suggested WW and not a registered dietitian. "

    She didn't she wants me in a nutritionist but my insurance will not cover it. They will cover WW. That's why I am asking about people's experiences with it. I don't actually feel its going to help and will probably pass on it as a "solution". Still leaves me without a solution.
  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    I am not a big fan of Weight Watchers, but I am not someone who enjoys that kind of social support group environment. I also feel like yhe point system is unnecessarily dumbed down and reduces flexibility. Others are very motivated by the environment and the point system is a helpful tool they find easier than traditional calorie counting. This becomes a decision based on personal preference.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    I lost 30lbs using WW. I works in basically the same fashion as MFP does. Teaches you to eat right, portion control, better choices, etc However, I really like MFP better for two reasons. 1. It's free and 2. It's got better community support.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    If you need the extra accountability WW may be better for you. If you are motivated and willing to stick with it on your own, MFP is all you need,
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    ntenna01 wrote: »
    " I'm really surprised that your doctor suggested WW and not a registered dietitian. "

    She didn't she wants me in a nutritionist but my insurance will not cover it. They will cover WW. That's why I am asking about people's experiences with it. I don't actually feel its going to help and will probably pass on it as a "solution". Still leaves me without a solution.

    MFP is a solution.

    My first suggestion would be to read all of the sticky threads on the Getting Started forum and learn how MFP works and how to set it up. Next get a food scale and start weighing everything. That is something that WW will recommend as well.

    It would also be a great idea to open up your food diary and have others take a look to see if your food and exercise calories are being logged inaccurately. Overestimating exercise burns while underestimating food intake is a common issue for people who are having a hard time losing.
  • runmama411
    runmama411 Posts: 162 Member
    I lost over 30 pounds on WW, but it was on their old PP plan in 2009 (fruits and veggies were still points). I think I needed the support of the meetings and the accountability of facing the scale "officially" at the meeting. I will tell you that finding the right meeting leader is essential. Some are not as motivating, so check out a few for "free" before settling down in a group.

    Also, leaders will sit with you and review your tracker if you ask. Mine "counseled" me after/before meetings when I asked. She made suggestions based on what I was doing and it always helped me when I wasn't seeing results.

    Another suggestion, have you tried looking into community resources? Some have Registered Dietitians that run programs/outreach for low cost, free, or sliding scale. Just a suggestion.

    Best of luck! Hope you find something that works for you and the budget. :smile:
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    ntenna01 wrote: »
    For those asking why not just use MFP it's because we both (doctor and I) want someone to consult with me. While the last few months since my surgery have not been good .I really just got refocused last week due to a series of unfortunate eventS. Last year was different ... I regularly consumed between 1609-1800 calories daily. Actually did a lower carb diet because I slept better on it. Ran 4 days a week and did weights 2-3. I am a runner by passion and did obstacle course runs and this year a half marathon in October . There was literally no scale change although as I said BFP decreased. So she wants me to see someone who can fine tune diet hoping it helps

    Weight Watchers leaders just don't have that level of expertise (I know, used to be one, so I know the training involved). Seriously, you won't get anything more from a WW leader than what you can get here on the forums from knowledgeable people. As someone else said, attending meetings can be really good for accountability if that's something you need help with.

    My guess is that if your body fat % went down but you weren't losing weight, you weren't eating at a deficit.
  • kyrannosaurus
    kyrannosaurus Posts: 350 Member
    ntenna01 wrote: »
    " I'm really surprised that your doctor suggested WW and not a registered dietitian. "

    She didn't she wants me in a nutritionist but my insurance will not cover it. They will cover WW. That's why I am asking about people's experiences with it. I don't actually feel its going to help and will probably pass on it as a "solution". Still leaves me without a solution.

    There is a solution... everyone here has told you the solution is to follow MFP.

    I think the Weight Watchers point program is stupid. It's just dumbed down calorie counting and I'd rather track with greater accuracy. MFP also lets you track micro and macro nutrients while you can't do this on WW. The program on MFP allows you to take much more control.

    However WW does have it's merits. I attend WW meetings every week. I don't follow the points program preferring to count calories here, but I find the meetings keep me accountable. I don't work due to a medical condition so I'm fairly isolated so attending a group with other people helps motivate me. I just lie to my leader and pretend I'm following the program.