PSB - Week 12 (New members always welcome)



  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    6/14 - 1.73
    6/15 - 3.24
    6/16 - .95
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Miles traveled
    Monday: 4.25 miles
    Tuesday: 3.35 miles
    Wednesday: 4 miles
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    quote of the day: "Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything."
    Napoleon Hill
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Okay, I am confused. Someone fill me in on all the changes? Who is running the show? When is the weigh in day? Can I still be a member? I know I have been slacking for a few weeks.

    Weigh In:
    Starting weight - 297.5
    Week 1: goal - 295.5 Actutal - 295.2
    Week 2: goal - 294.5 - Actual 294.2
    Week 3: goal - 290.5 - Actual 294
    Week 4: goal - 292 - Actual 300
    Week 5: goal - 298.5 - Actual 298 (thank you Jesus!)
    Week 6: goal - 295 - Actual 294.4
    Week 7: goal 292.4 - Actual 294.0
    Week 8: goal 292 - actual 294.0
    Week 9: goal 292- actual 292.2
    # lbs lost : 5.3
    #lbs to go: 92.2
  • Jamie_W
    Jamie_W Posts: 157 Member
    I am interested in this group. I have been reading for a few weeks but not posting. I hope to come back with all my info but first I have to admit it to myself before I can post it here. (How sad is it to be embarassed around a bunch of ladies who are dealing with the same stuff I am) I will get my stats together and be back later to post!

    I really enjoy reading and I hope to stay motivated enough to come back daily!

  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Challenge::: Walk 15 miles

    Monday: 1.5 miles
    Tuesday: 1.5 miles
    Wednesday: 4 miles
    Thursday: 2 miles

    Starting weight: 220

    Goal weight: 150

    Week 11 --- goal: 202 actual: 203 (scales won't budge)
    Week 12 --- goal: 202 actual:

    lbs lost --- 17 lbs.
    lbs to go --- 53 lbs.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    TIna you are always welcome :) Newme was gone and Svey and I notice there wasn't a posting that week so we took it upon ourselves to help her out and post. PSB will always be Newme's group but it gets to be much for one person when they have a life out side of MFP as shocking as that is. She has decided to take a break and between the three of us we will keep it going. Weigh in is still the same as before it was just off last week due to the late posting. We thought it would be fun and keep it more interesting if we included two types of challenges (one fitness and one food/nutrition/health) each week and you can do both or just one of them or none it is up to you. It was just a thought since we saw a drop off of participation and thought we would spicy it up a little. PSB will always be Newme's group but it gets to be much for one person when they have a life out side of MFP as shocking as that is. I hope that explains things.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    The only thing I'll add is that if you guys have challenge idea please message either rostrum or me. We will get together and pick two for next week sometime this weekend.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I am interested in this group. I have been reading for a few weeks but not posting. I hope to come back with all my info but first I have to admit it to myself before I can post it here. (How sad is it to be embarassed around a bunch of ladies who are dealing with the same stuff I am) I will get my stats together and be back later to post!

    I really enjoy reading and I hope to stay motivated enough to come back daily!


    Jaime, you do not HAVE TO do anything that makes you uncomfortable. You are welcome to post your weight if you feel it will be motivaltional to watch your progress in this tread every week. We aren't going to ask you to leave if you don't want to do that. Feel free to drop in for any reason (weigh in, join our challenges, or just chat). The thread is supposed to be supportive and motivational. No one will force anything out of you.

    Except for Tina. I demand that she gets her azz in gear and posts more often. :laugh:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    GOAL: 15 miles by either walking/jogging, elliptical or bike

    Monday: 1 mile (All over two airports. How in the world to you figure out an accurate distance for that?)
    Tuesday: 1.5 miles (treadmills are BORING, I'm pissed that the exercise bike in the fitness room is broken)
    Wednesday: 2.61 miles (treadmill, bike still broken )
    Thursday: .75 miles (treadmill, bike still broken )

    Total so far: 5.86 miles
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    I am interested in this group. I have been reading for a few weeks but not posting. I hope to come back with all my info but first I have to admit it to myself before I can post it here. (How sad is it to be embarassed around a bunch of ladies who are dealing with the same stuff I am) I will get my stats together and be back later to post!

    I really enjoy reading and I hope to stay motivated enough to come back daily!


    Jaime, you do not HAVE TO do anything that makes you uncomfortable. You are welcome to post your weight if you feel it will be motivaltional to watch your progress in this tread every week. We aren't going to ask you to leave if you don't want to do that. Feel free to drop in for any reason (weigh in, join our challenges, or just chat). The thread is supposed to be supportive and motivational. No one will force anything out of you.

    Except for Tina. I demand that she gets her azz in gear and posts more often. :laugh:

    Oh Oh, I think I like being the exception....makes me feel so special, all warm and fuzzy inside. :tongue:
  • Jamie_W
    Jamie_W Posts: 157 Member
    Svey - Sorry I didn't mean to sound as if I would be pressured into doing anything - that isn't what I meant. What I meant was I know I am overweight and have been for awhile. I started a weightloss journey last year and in the first 3 months, I lost about 25lbs - well life got in the way and I let the excuses pile up next thing I know I am back here reading my old posts thinking I should be at me target weight, or at least VERY close, by now. I am embarassed only by my own actions - I am trying to pull my self back up and get on the wagon again. I appreciate this group and the mini challenges you set up for yourselves.

    I will post my stats in the morning as I just got home from a walk - TOTALS: 51 min; in zone (124-140) 16.22 min; 293 cal burn

    Tell you what it was kinda aggravating - I set out knowing I would walk at a brisk pace, so I did. I done this so I would get my hr up and burn more calories, at the end of the walk my husband says that was a nice leisure walk. I thought "you have got to be kidding me - I left you walking behind me so I could kick it up a notch and I was sweating and u tell me this was leisure." I don't even think he broke a sweat! UGH!!! (My husband, Mike, wasn't being mean or rude we actually stared the journey together last year and fell off together too. He started back about 4 weeks ago. He is working out right now as I type this post) The part that is so aggravating is how we can both pretty much walk the same pace and same distance and I am "working out" while to him it is "leisure". When we used to work out together I feel it was easier for him and so when he pushed it seemed he pushed harded than me and therefore had a much higher cal burn. I know men do that but still give a girl a break will ya :-) OK - I am off to read a book. I'll be back in the morning with my stats.

    BTW - Thanks for listening to me ramble on and on! :laugh:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    quote of the day: "A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I am right there with you. When I was just starting out I would go for a walk with a co-worker probably at about a 3mph rate and she would ***** that I was walking too slow. Ummmm excuse me but I am not miss marathoner like she is. When I would tell her that she would be like that isn't an excuse. Yes it is when I am 240 5'5 and she is 140 5'9 there is a slight difference in how fast we can walk and get our heart rates up. I also didn't feel like going back into the office all sweaty. We are now too busy at work to do our walks and its also to freaking hot at 3pm which is when we used to do it. Some people just don't get it.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    GOAL: 15 miles by either walking/jogging, elliptical or bike

    Monday: 1 mile (All over two airports. How in the world to you figure out an accurate distance for that?)
    Tuesday: 1.5 miles (treadmills are BORING, I'm pissed that the exercise bike in the fitness room is broken)
    Wednesday: 2.61 miles (treadmill, bike still broken )
    Thursday: .75 miles (treadmill, bike still broken )
    Friday: 1.2 miles (Walked to a restaurant, and back after dinner. Much harder on a full stomach, lol.)

    Total so far: 7.06 miles

    Not gonna make this challenge unless I buy a bike tomorrow! :laugh:
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    13.27 miles to goal
    3.24----10.03 miles to goal
    9.08 miles to goal

    Weigh In: 179
    P.S.B Starting Weight: 180
    Week 1 Goal: (your goal weight for week 1) – Actual (Your weigh in weight)
    # lbs lost:
    # lbs to go:
    Week 2 Goal: 178
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I had my offical weigh in with my trainer today. Down 4% body fat, 6 inches and 12lbs in 6 weeks total since feb working out with her 8% body fat 21.5 inches and 33lbs! Oh and I ran my first 12 min mile today!

    Miles traveled
    Monday: 4.25 miles
    Tuesday: 3.35 miles
    Wednesday: 4 miles
    Thursday: 0
    Friday: 3.8 Miles = 15.4 miles
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I had my offical weigh in with my trainer today. Down 4% body fat, 6 inches and 12lbs in 6 weeks total since feb working out with her 8% body fat 21.5 inches and 33lbs! Oh and I ran my first 12 min mile today!

    Miles traveled
    Monday: 4.25 miles
    Tuesday: 3.35 miles
    Wednesday: 4 miles
    Thursday: 0
    Friday: 3.8 Miles = 15.4 miles

    Congratulations on the amazing results and for reaching the fitness goal two days early! You're a rock star.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    quote of the day "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." ( Theodore Roosevelt)
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    yesterday i went to bookman's to look for a few gifts for a few of my fave men in my life right now...4 including an 8 year old, 9 year old...and 6 year old along with a 39 year old in which i'm very much in love with right now....still working on getting with i bought an xbox controller for the original xbox console and i also looked in the fitness videos for the p90 that i saw there a couple days ago...unfortunately it was no longer there :cry: ....i did see a few that i wanted to get but i couldn't afford it was the entire set of the jillian michaels the biggest winner set...but i decided to get the jillian michaels the biggest winner cardio kickbox video along with george foreman's walk and box....i never tried the jillian michaels cardio kickbox before but i have tried the george foreman and i loved that.....i'll add it to my regular exercise routine next week