


  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    I think it's about balance. You don't want to be the SUPER high maintenance girl who can't find anything to eat on the menu and has to request like four substitutions on a freaking salad, for sure. But if you can save some calories for the date and then order a reasonable food item, I don't think it would raise an eyebrow. I think most dudes wouldn't be too put off with "I like to watch what I eat."

    When I first started on MFP, I was just starting to date again after a bad breakup a few years before. I had the same concerns, but it was really fine. I went out with a few guys who were also into fitness and they were totally cool with it - we chose healthy restaurants and foods together. I went out with a few who really didn't care. I had one date with one dude who criticized my ordering a salad (and it was such a GOOD salad too, not just a little pile of lettuce), and that worked out well because I knew if he was going to be a d***bag about what I ate, I didn't want to see him again. Problem solved.

    Hahahaha I went on a first date with a d- bag who also had a fit about me ordering a salad on our first date... We did end up dating for 3 months but then I broke it off with him... 3 months later he was already engaged to a new girl with a baby on the way... I dodged that bullet!
  • jackieomara
    jackieomara Posts: 119 Member
    I usually try and pick a healthy place or something with healthy options. I was dating someone for a while and our first date, sushi. I chose brown rice and healthier options. Went to a BBQ place, got chicken with a side salad. Chipotle, got a salad with guac. He wasn't a drinker so it made things a little easier on that end!
  • Kimo159
    Kimo159 Posts: 508 Member
    When I was dating and on a very strict diet I would try to plan coffee dates so I could just drink a black coffee and nobody would be the wiser. If dinner was a must I was always open an honest and most people thought it was a good quality that I took care of myself. When I moved to a less strict diet (IIFYM) I made sure that I could make what I chose on a date fit into my macros. Honesty really is the best policy...I've found that when you let people know that you're trying to better yourself vs. just complaining about calories it comes across as endearing vs. high maintenance.

    Good luck!

  • praksindiafit
    praksindiafit Posts: 526 Member
    Kimo159 wrote: »
    When I was dating and on a very strict diet I would try to plan coffee dates so I could just drink a black coffee and nobody would be the wiser. If dinner was a must I was always open an honest and most people thought it was a good quality that I took care of myself. When I moved to a less strict diet (IIFYM) I made sure that I could make what I chose on a date fit into my macros. Honesty really is the best policy...I've found that when you let people know that you're trying to better yourself vs. just complaining about calories it comes across as endearing vs. high maintenance.

    Good luck!

    Thats a nice one.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I tend to date people that I meet through dance or other athletic pursuits, so it's easy to find active/non-food things to do.

    Meeting up for coffee/tea is a great idea--you can have a very low-cal drink (tea, black coffee) and the other person can snack or have a light meal if desired.

    If your diet is so strict that you can't eat out EVER, it's probably not going to work in the long term. I don't do cheat days and I rarely eat out alone, but I will go slightly off plan for social situations. What about finding 4-5 local restaurants that have dishes which generally fit into your goals? Having a few go-to suggestions handy could be helpful.

    I don't hide that I eat carefully, enjoy high-quality food and love to work out. These things are part of who I am and other people can take it or leave it. I am not on a short-term diet--this is the way I live and I must do it for my health. However, I am old and don't care too much about what most people think of me. :) I'm not high maintenance, but I won't be eating at McDonald's either. Anyone I date needs to know that up front.

    I'm a really good cook, so I have lots of people who want me to cook for them rather than going out. I'm currently dating/having a short-term...thing...with someone who is a professional athlete. He eats even lower carb than I do, loves my food and has a workout regimen that is pretty similar to my own. This works quite well and doesn't put my fitness in jeopardy at all.