Random Love Handles? (Pic, Scary...sorry...)

Hey. Sorry for the up close and ugly picture of my gut. But...I am confused. I was hoping that losing weight would make me look better. Not worse. But, here is my issue. This is my tummy post two babies, post being stupid and eating too much & not watching my weight or what I ate...anywho:


Yeah. So. On the picture you can see the like, FLAP of stomach fat that I have. I have always had that pouch flap thing. But, it never extended up all the way to my hip bone. Like it is in this picture. I also have what looks like an indent on my hip...which wasn't there before either. I'm just so confused. I think my tummy looks worse now than it did before. Not that it hangs any lower, but still. P.s. I have lost 4lbs this time around MFP, 5 lbs last time in Feb that I kept off.

THE QUESTION: Has anyone else has this happen to them? Is this from losing some weight or what could be going on!?

P.s. If you don't have anything supportive to say, please don't bother posting here. I can't deal with any Negative Nancy's, Debbie Downer's, or Rude Tude Dude's this evening. Thank you. <333


  • yummykitkat
    yummykitkat Posts: 2 Member
    Nothing scary there :smile:
    That indent on your hip looks like a muscle is starting to show a little bit. Keep at it and it will improve even more.
  • OrionG
    OrionG Posts: 32 Member
    When we are carrying extra weight, it rather 'smooths' out the curves, bumps and valleys of our bodies. When we start to trim up, as our bodies don't trim up at the same time, what we see as imperfections will pop up. I would say nothing really to worry about. Keep on doing what you need to do, and other parts will catch up. BTW, post 2 kids, you look awesome. :)
  • Jessica_D_Shadow
    Jessica_D_Shadow Posts: 138 Member
    Thank you two so much. =D I knew this thread would help me feel better about my freak out in the mirror. =P I love MFP, best people ever!
  • kajungrill
    kajungrill Posts: 50 Member
    Yep, That belly isn't looking pretty. I feel free to say that because it looks a lot like mine :( . Sorry I don't have any pictures. There is good news! With 5 kids, stretch marks and that not so lovely skin fold smile, watching calories was not enough. The more I exercise the better it gets. Walking and 30DS have helped tremendously. Keep working and hopefully you'll see some great results. I know mine will never be perfect but its getting better! I think yours can too!
    PS- it could be way worse, I hope I did not come off rudely just wanted to share that I can relate and this is how I view my own body.
    edited for spelling and the ps
  • Raeontherun
    Raeontherun Posts: 107 Member
    It will go away
  • craziecritter
    craziecritter Posts: 202 Member
    Yep looks the same as mine. Just take your time losing the weight and make sure you exercise. I don't walk much because of my knees but I have been telling a huge difference in my overall body by doing water aerobics!! Good Luck on your journey.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    It will go away


    Looks like a normal body to me. just keep doing the right things and over time it will smooth out. I am DYING to get rid of my love handles but it seems it will be the last to go.

    Keep at chica!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    You've only lost 4 pounds.

    It will look better once you've lost a lot more weight.
  • Jessica_D_Shadow
    Jessica_D_Shadow Posts: 138 Member
    @Kajungrill- It's all good. I got what you meant by it in the second sentence. LoL <3 I'm glad someone can relate.

    @raeontherun- I sure do hope so. =)

    @crazycritter- This winter when we go to florida for a couple month I may take a water aerobics class. It seems a lot less stressful on the joints.

    @chaelez- Thank you for the kind words. :flowerforyou: Slow & Steady wins the extra skin race I have heard. So I will keep on truckin' the healthy way. I hope my boobs & my butt are the last to go though. But I really, really doubt that one.

    @supplemama- Weighed myself this morning! I'm Down 3.6lbs since last weigh-in! WoOoOoOo! Hehe. But Yes even ~8lbs is not enough for a huge difference but it SURE is a MUCH prettier number than ~4lbs!!! So Excited!

    :bigsmile: Thank you all for the replies & support! I am feeling much better after this thread! :heart:
  • Gagirl79
    Gagirl79 Posts: 193 Member
    Don't you worry just keep working hard and you will see results. My stomach actually looks worse than that and the indent has gotten worse too. But my pants are getting more loose so I know that it's changing slowly and I'm ok with that:)
  • tsdaughe
    tsdaughe Posts: 88
    Man do I know how you feel. Lately, I have noticed more my love handles on my lower stomach. They seemed to be bothering me more and felt worse. But my upper stomach has definetly trimmed up. So as someone else said, I think when we are heavier the fat all over out stomach kind of creates this even padding. When you start to lose weight, it never comes off evenly. It looks like you are losing fat in your abdomen but more in some areas then others just making the area is your picture more noticeable. I finally figured out that was my issue and eventually my lower stomach will catch up with the rest of me in losing fat.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I had that before I lost weight. In fact, I had it until I got below 130 pounds.

    Give it time. It will go away once you get to a lower body fat percent. Adipose tissue doesn't lay as nicely as muscle tissue. It lumps and bumps the way it wants, and the only thing we can do is keep working toward our goals.
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    I have that apron flap thing all the way to my hips. And I haven't even had kids. I'm hoping with lots of protein, lots of water and lots of strength training it will go away.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I am dealing with the same thing. And it does look worse for a while. Then it starts to look better. And it continues to improve as the body fat % goes down. Don't give up - keep at it!
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Ha, we look exactly alike stomach wise. I am also post 2 babies and have the exact same flap-like thing and the indent. I think it is from stretching out and back in twice. I have to say, my flap has gone down tremendously since loosing 50 pounds. I went up to 250 with my first baby then up to 230 with my second. Now i'm at 155 and still have it but it is smaller. I am doing turbo fire and some ab work to try and work on my stomach. It is the worst part of my body. lol
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    It'll go away! I had that flap after my first child. I lost the weight and it started to disappear. Then I got pregnant, had another baby, and here it is again. You have to lose more weight, and you also have to work on your diet to get rid of the belly fat. I have a ton of belly fat. That's where I always seem to gain. Just call me Belly Fat Expert from now on.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    You are not alone! I too have it, but not quite as bad now that I have lost a few more pounds. I expect some of it will never go away, but as long as it shrinks a little more, I will be happy! Keep working at it!! I will too!!
  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member
    I have that too! I'm in the process of losing 80+ pounds and that is one of the first parts that the fat seems to come because I can tell by my "flap" if I'm losing or gaining :)
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    Don't get discouraged! It will get better:) I've had two kiddos also and started of with a really droopy belly and things are starting to tighten up nicely. At the same time it did look worse before it looked better but just keep pushing along. I started with alot of cardio which had me lose lbs but left me with loose skin. Once I started strength training and doing more abs work the skin is looking better/tighten.

    Good luck to you! :)
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Try a weighted adult-size hula hoop. It helps to tone the core muscles, abs and back. I still have a LOT of weight to lose but I have seen improvement to my belly with hooping. Start with 5 to 10 minutes a day. I do 20 minutes twice a day during the work week.