have i quit smoking??

i have not smoked a cigarette in 21 days. i used chantix for the 1st week but stopped it bc of side effects. I also use an e cig to take a puff of when a craving gets a little strong. Because of this a co worker of mine has told me i have not officially quit since i use an e cig. I might take a puff of it 3-4 times a day which i used to smoke 1/2 pack a day. Also the e cig is vapor and not smoke. yes i know there is a small amount of tabacco in it but its still not a cigarette-what do u all think? Im confused if i have or have not quit


  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    It depends, if you no longer used the e cig would you go back to smoking? Do you feel like you have quit?

    The real question is are you just trading habits? If you are are you ok with that?

    No one can answer this but you.
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    no im not going back to cigarettes and i have not traded a cig for an e cig permanently. i have told myself before i quit smoking that i didnt want to use an e cig for more then a month. yes i do think i have quit smoking-wondering what everyone else thinks.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    ye s u havent smoked in 21 days
    the ecig does have nicotine but a small a mount compared to cigs and it doesnt have the harmful chemicals
    i quit by using the lozenges , then the ecigs, then cinamon hard candies...
    then i quit all
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    thats what i was thinkiing too........
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    no im not going back to cigarettes and i have not traded a cig for an e cig permanently. i have told myself before i quit smoking that i didnt want to use an e cig for more then a month. yes i do think i have quit smoking-wondering what everyone else thinks.
    Than congratulations you have quit smoking! Don't let a coworker take away from your determination by minimizing the huge accomplishment you have achieved. :drinker:
  • walkee
    walkee Posts: 29 Member
    Decisions, decisions, decisions.....I commend you on your decision to stop smoking. It appears that you are on this site for multiple things...don't get me wrong...I still smoke and I have also purchased a e cig and I'm on MFP....stay strong and it will eventually HAPPEN along with positive friends and/or MFP :smile:
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    As a former smoker who has been smoke free for 5 years I say you have done well bump whoever doesn't think you have quit from 1/2 pack to ecig 3 times a day is a huge improvement!!!
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I would consider this "quitting", not "quit". You are still using a cigarette, even if it is a fake one so you have not broken the habit. You are also still putting nicotine into your body.
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    I would consider this "quitting", not "quit". You are still using a cigarette, even if it is a fake one so you have not broken the habit. You are also still putting nicotine into your body.

    so when people use the patch are the still considered smokers?
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I say you have quit. but who cares what others think. just be proud of yourself.
    and good job for not having a smoke in 21 days and good luck for the future.
  • sewingdiscontent
    I would consider this "quitting", not "quit". You are still using a cigarette, even if it is a fake one so you have not broken the habit. You are also still putting nicotine into your body.

    so when people use the patch are the still considered smokers?

    Good point, OP. I say you can say you've quit smoking. You literally don't smoke (combust) anymore, you vaporize.
  • gfroniewski
    gfroniewski Posts: 168
    I would consider this "quitting", not "quit". You are still using a cigarette, even if it is a fake one so you have not broken the habit. You are also still putting nicotine into your body.

    so when people use the patch are the still considered smokers?

    Good point, OP. I say you can say you've quit smoking. You literally don't smoke (combust) anymore, you vaporize.

    This is a good point as well, but I can't help but think you aren't done being a smoker until you quit inhaling nicotine for pleasure. I even consider someone with patches a smoker who is quitting not some who has already quit.

    I quit smoking last November cold turkey and it was the greatest feeling ever realizing I wouldn't ever smoke again! If you truly make the personal choice to quit; you can totally do it.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    your coworker sounds like a ______... (sub any word that will get me my third warning and ban)
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Congratulations on your first 21 days! Keep it up!
  • craziecritter
    craziecritter Posts: 202 Member
    My husband quit 20 months ago, my daughter 10 months ago, and me 14 months ago and use the e-cigs. We have discussed this our Dr's and they.back us 100% on using this method. Congrats on your 21 days! Keep up your fantastic work!!
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    I would consider this "quitting", not "quit". You are still using a cigarette, even if it is a fake one so you have not broken the habit. You are also still putting nicotine into your body.

    so when people use the patch are the still considered smokers?

    Yes, because a heroine addict on methadone is still an addict. How about the person who only has a cigarette on social occasions or with a drink? are they a smoker? yes, they are. You're in rehab and there's nothing wrong with that. If you're not honest about your need for the ecig, then, I worry it'd be too easy to think you have it cracked and become one of those "only at Christmas" smokers.

    As an ex smoker, I know how hard it is, believe me, but it wasn't until I didn't miss smoking anymore that I truly considered myself an ex smoker.

    You are quitting and doing a damn fine job so please be proud of yourself. You need to be honest too. If you still need nicotine, then you're still a smoker. I would say it's time to take the plunge and ditch the e-cig. You can absolutely live without it. If you know in your heart that you're no longer a smoker, then ditch it. I quit cold turkey 10 years ago because I had an epiphany: I didn't need to smoke to be happy, it really was as simple as that. Deep down you know that, so do it today! You've made it 21 days, my god you're almost free!!

    I just wanted to add one thing. You're at that stage of quitting where you've gone SO long, and it's been SO hard, and you're SO tired of thinking about smoking aaaaall the tiiiiiime. You want a reward for your pain and your hard work so I think you want the badge of non-smoker (because you can't reward yourself with smoking, which is what smokers want) . I say take the badge (but you have to throw the e-cig in the bin in exchange). I know you can do it, and I think you know you can too xx
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I would consider this "quitting", not "quit". You are still using a cigarette, even if it is a fake one so you have not broken the habit. You are also still putting nicotine into your body.

    so when people use the patch are the still considered smokers?

    Yes. Because they are still addicted to nicotine. I know it is called "smoking" so a lot of people think they can live on the gum, patches and ecig's and still say that they've quit smoking. I think it's just a cop out. Saying "I don't smoke, I vaporize" is just a snake in the grass way of getting around the fact that you are still addicted.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I would consider this "quitting", not "quit". You are still using a cigarette, even if it is a fake one so you have not broken the habit. You are also still putting nicotine into your body.

    so when people use the patch are the still considered smokers?

    Yes, because a heroine addict on methadone is still an addict. How about the person who only has a cigarette on social occasions or with a drink? are they a smoker? yes, they are. You're in rehab and there's nothing wrong with that. If you're not honest about your need for the ecig, then, I worry it'd be too easy to think you have it cracked and become one of those "only at Christmas" smokers.

    As an ex smoker, I know how hard it is, believe me, but it wasn't until I didn't miss smoking anymore that I truly considered myself an ex smoker.

    You are quitting and doing a damn fine job so please be proud of yourself. You need to be honest too. If you still need nicotine, then you're still a smoker. I would say it's time to take the plunge and ditch the e-cig. You can absolutely live without it. If you know in your heart that you're no longer a smoker, then ditch it. I quit cold turkey 10 years ago because I had an epiphany: I didn't need to smoke to be happy, it really was as simple as that. Deep down you know that, so do it today! You've made it 21 days, my god you're almost free!!

    I just wanted to add one thing. You're at that stage of quitting where you've gone SO long, and it's been SO hard, and you're SO tired of thinking about smoking aaaaall the tiiiiiime. You want a reward for your pain and your hard work so I think you want the badge of non-smoker (because you can't reward yourself with smoking, which is what smokers want) . I say take the badge (but you have to throw the e-cig in the bin in exchange). I know you can do it, and I think you know you can too xx

    Wonderfully said. I don't think there is anything anyone else can add to that!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Do you feel that you've quit? If yes, then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks!!

    Congratulations!! I watched my hubby quit smoking and it wasn't easy on him (or me.. he was crabby so I was crabby lol)