Help with depression.

So things were rough the last few years. I've made a lot of progress, but it's like now I just feel like my body is holding me back. Doing one little thing takes all of my energy. My balance sucks. Getting out of a chair takes such effort.

In y'all's experience, when you lose weight does it make things a lot easier psychologically just because you can actually do the things you feel like doing without feeling like you're dieing?


  • surfteam1689
    surfteam1689 Posts: 73 Member
    Yes! It sure does. You will be much more flexible, and will have more stamina. Best of all, you sleep better! Don't give up!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    You would benefit as follows.
    Visually you would look better and be pleased with yourself becayse you had achieved soemthing
    You wouldnt have to be carrying this very large weigh around, which gives your body and heart a rest.
    If you exercised then you might be fitter, stronger faster.
    Exercise is known as a good remedy for at least mild depression.
    A change in diet is also likely to make you feel better.

    All the above should make you feel beer about yourself and whats happening.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    It really does. I have lost 9 lbs so far (since Mid March) and feel so much more energy. I didn't think I could do it given my propensity to gain weight on depression medications. I can and I will lose this weight. Take each day as it comes and revel in the positive moves towards health that day! I feel so much better psychologically and you will to! Keep at it!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Yes! It sure does. You will be much more flexible, and will have more stamina. Best of all, you sleep better! Don't give up!

    I LOVE the sleeping better. Mmmmm sleeeep.. :sleepy::sleeping::sleepy:
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Yes, it definitely did for me. The body helped the mind, which helped the body some more.

    Quick question, OP: how long has it been since you have has some blood work done? I thought my depression and being overweight by so much were what sapped what energy I had, but when I went to the doctor and they did blood work, it turned out I was also very anemic. Treating that also helped both my mind and body.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Improving your self image does help a lot. I saw a lot of improvement in my depression when I made changes in my self confidence, living environment and social circles. But the depression still pops up. I found myself this winter wondering how I could feel so bad when my life has become so good. I ought to know better, and I do. Depression is an illness as much as any other. When there is something actually chemically wrong with your brain, just changing your body and your surroundings it is not go to make it away. sometimes requires medical treatment.

    You should talk to your doctor about this. Consider seeing a counselor. Get the help you really need. :)
  • sweetpotatofries123
    sweetpotatofries123 Posts: 99 Member
    FatPixiee wrote: »
    So things were rough the last few years. I've made a lot of progress, but it's like now I just feel like my body is holding me back. Doing one little thing takes all of my energy. My balance sucks. Getting out of a chair takes such effort.

    In y'all's experience, when you lose weight does it make things a lot easier psychologically just because you can actually do the things you feel like doing without feeling like you're dieing?

    I went down a size and that seemed like a miracle to me. I gained a ton of weight from antidepressants and I've felt like my body shut off. Exercise has helped me psychologically speaking tremendously. Still the fatigue is a constant battle though.
  • tweetiejovi
    tweetiejovi Posts: 62 Member
    As I have only just gone back on tablets for medication I am hoping they suppress my appetite like they did last time not that I'm taking just for that I hit melt down last weekend where I had a day I didn't do anything but was coz normally or recent I have been so manic I need to stop, so let's hope I get to not manic but not increase in weight either and general calm and normal ness if that's a word lol
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    It does help to lose weight by counting calories but I encourage you to exercise as well. Exercise had been proven to help with depression through the release of endorphins. Speaking from personal experience with depression, I find that exercise, even in small amounts, greatly helps my state of mind. I know some days it feels like getting out of bed is a chore, but push yourself to at least go for a walk every day.
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    Depression is hard and I still deal with it but it doesn't hit me as hard as it once did because I have a healthy outlet to get my mind off it. Depression can prevent you from doing things if you allow it. You clearly want to lose weight which is good so focus on that and don't beat yourself up if you fail along the way. but to answer your question, my weight loss has allowed me to do things I wouldn't of imagined being able to do and makes every day life easier. As BinkyBonk stated, exercise helps a lot with depression and it's how I've dealt with those days where everything seems so dark. I have more good days than bad days in due part to the fact I exercise and once you get use to feeling good, it kind of sticks around. :smile: Of course, diet is a key component to being a healthier and happier you. Easier said than done but you have to fight the temptation and learn how to say NO.
  • FatPixiee
    FatPixiee Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks guys. I have been to a dr. and had my blood done recently. And I'm working on getting on a proper combination of meds. Just having some problems w my doctor, so I might switch soon. Ok, I'm going to go treadmill in a few.
  • michellelhodges123
    michellelhodges123 Posts: 102 Member
    I am on meds that slow everything..including weight loss due to heart issues..I am fine with that..depression had never been a huge problem for me until just recently. My mother, whom I was very close to even though we were far apart, died after a brief illness..I made it home 4 days before she passed and spent most of those time at her hospital bed. I am struggling immensely with the void this has sister has turned to food..I go the opposite way..I don't want to eat, don't want to move...just want to stay in bed..on a good day I get in 1100 calories..on a bad 500... I know..this isn't helping me...I'm just trying to get over her passing...mothers day will be hard.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    It helped for me only temporarily (6 months or so). The problem was that my weight was not the source of my depression. I think the best thing you can do is keep working with your doctor and/or therapist to help address what's going on and heal from the inside out. The good news is that healing on the inside often helps you heal outside, because you start to care more about your body and your life. I wish you the best.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Yes it did it for me. Once I started to feel better about myself , I saw lots of becomes very exciting and you will anticipate making good choices, fitting into smaller clothes and so on. Its really a complete lifestyle change .
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I am on meds that slow everything..including weight loss due to heart issues..I am fine with that..depression had never been a huge problem for me until just recently. My mother, whom I was very close to even though we were far apart, died after a brief illness..I made it home 4 days before she passed and spent most of those time at her hospital bed. I am struggling immensely with the void this has sister has turned to food..I go the opposite way..I don't want to eat, don't want to move...just want to stay in bed..on a good day I get in 1100 calories..on a bad 500... I know..this isn't helping me...I'm just trying to get over her passing...mothers day will be hard.

    I'm so sorry. This broke my heart to read. Hopefully you'll be able to cope better soon.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    It may help, but please don't let depression go untreated in the hopes that losing weight will fix it. Yes, work on your body and enjoy being able to do more things, but it's a good idea to work on your internal self at the same time.
  • sweetpotatofries123
    sweetpotatofries123 Posts: 99 Member
    I am on meds that slow everything..including weight loss due to heart issues..I am fine with that..depression had never been a huge problem for me until just recently. My mother, whom I was very close to even though we were far apart, died after a brief illness..I made it home 4 days before she passed and spent most of those time at her hospital bed. I am struggling immensely with the void this has sister has turned to food..I go the opposite way..I don't want to eat, don't want to move...just want to stay in bed..on a good day I get in 1100 calories..on a bad 500... I know..this isn't helping me...I'm just trying to get over her passing...mothers day will be hard.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope your days become easier. Be good to yourself.