I have a question about calorie deficits...

This is hypothetical, I'm just confused.

Let's say I want to lose 2 pounds a week. It's generally accepted that 3500 calories=1 pound, right?
Let's say that everyday I burn 500 calories thru exercise, and then remove 500 calories from my general diet. Does that make it a total 1000 calorie deficit for, FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUMENT, 7000 calories burned each week, 1 pound loss?

Let's say I'm striving for a 1 pound loss each week. If I cut 500 calories from my daily diet (let's say 1400 calories instead of 1900), would I lose a pound each week? Or would I have to keep cutting to continue losing weight or whatever?

I dunno, this has always stumped me a little bit. It seems like it should be easy to get tho, haha.

Thanks so much and best of luck with your transformations!


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Example 1: That would be approximately 2lbs per week loss (give or take for errors with logging food/being off on exercise calorie burns)

    Example 2: You only need to eat 500 under what it would take you to maintain your weight. As you lose weight your maintenance level will go down unless of course you increase your activity level to compensate (although even then it will probably go down a bit). Generally, calorie goals need to be adjusted every 5-10lbs or so.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Sounds pretty darned accurate to me... 1000 calorie is 2 pounds weight loss each week.

    NOTE: Keep this mind do not cut any more than that, because if you do not fuel your body while exercising, you will not be able to continue to exercise.. so please keep this hypotheical for the time being..

    To answer the second question, only eat at 500 deficit with no exercise will equate to 1 pound and you stay there until you lose around 10 pounds and then you need to change your calories a wee bit because your BMR will change some and you need less to eat...

    And these are numbers on paper so what your body does with all that has many variables.. but you are on track..
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Someone with only 13 pounds to lose, should have their goal set at a half a pound a week.
  • Cita1651
    Cita1651 Posts: 2 Member
    I am currently 246 and have over 80 lbs to lose. How many calories should I be eating a day? I do Zumba for 30-60 min per day. Also, if create a calorie deficit of 600 or (which I notice sometimes it can be more) am I to eat those calories or not?