Running injury?

htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
edited November 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I had runner's knee this fall, went to PT, did my exercises and got new shoes and was able to resume running.

Beginning last weekend I noticed an ache (not even a pain, just an ache) in the back of my thigh right above my knee. If I shortened my stride more the ache reduced. I did not feel the pain I felt when I had runner's knee, which of course I am now sensitive to because I don't even want THAT to happen again. But I am puzzled by this ache and wondering what to do about it. It slowed me down. I tried looking it up but I got websites talking about either runner's knee or a hamstring strain, but they talked about the strain being from the top of the muscle, not the bottom.

Any ideas or how to address this or where I could get more info?


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Has the pain continued after you stopped running? Any other issues?

    I’d make sure you have a good warm up and some stretching (especially the hamstrings and calves) prior to the next run. If this re-occurs, pay attention to what you were doing (stride, speed, length of time into the run, etc.) so you can understand if this was form related issue. Then, depending on the nature of the pain, consider seeing a sports doctor.
  • PoundChaser2
    PoundChaser2 Posts: 241 Member
    It could be a hamstring strain or you could have stained a ligament in the back area of your knee but, it could also be the early onset of IT Band issues. Yes, I know the IT band does not go down the back of the knee but, sometimes what we feel in one spot might actually be from another area.

    What type of sneaker are you running in ? Have you been told you pronate or supinate when your run ? How often do you run (miles) per week/day.

    If I were you I would take a break from running, stretch it out.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I was told I overpronate. I've had New Balances for the past 5 months, and just got a pair of Brooks Adrenalines two weeks ago. I run 3x/wk, anywhere btw 4-5 miles each time. I cross train 2x week with cycling or kickboxing. I did notice a slight ache on the outside of my thigh, I know that's IT band, right? I rolled last night, don't plan on running again until Saturday-just a short run-3 miles. I was also going to try the New Balances on Sat and see if this is related to the Brooks.
  • PoundChaser2
    PoundChaser2 Posts: 241 Member
    edited April 2015
    If you feel a pain on the outside of your thigh (Yes) Im going to say that is IT band or maybe Hip. You could also have siatica going on as well, it's hard to say (Im not) a doctor, I live life in the injured lane.

    1. Stand up / place your right leg over you left and bend over toward the left side (see) if you feel the stretch at the top of your illiac crest (hip) and do you feel pain ? Do both sides (hold the stretch) Also do the runner stretch for hip flexors ( look this up on how )
    2. Rolling out your IT band (NOT) the best idea ( recent articles ) you should however, roll out your outer hips Vs. the entire IT band. I suffer IT band issues and this stems from Weak knee (Runners knee & Bone Spur) I use a strap for Runners/Jumpers Knee (works for me).
    3. I've been running in the Brooks Adrenaline 15's and noticed the heel cup is a little to wide for me (my heel pops). Runners knee can also come from running on sloped streets, thats why its recommended to run opposite sides of the road.
    4. You do a lot of impact actvities ( I think you and I were seperated at birth) (kick boxing) might not be a good idea if you want to run or at least don't do them on the same days.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    Are you kickboxing and cross training in your running shoes? Running shoes are designed for forward motion, not lateral motions that you get when kickboxing. It may be helpful to have a pair of shoes specifically made for cross training and save your running shoes just for running.

    I agree it sounds like you may have some IT band stuff going on. I would recommend you stretch and foam roll (not necessarily directly on the IT band but on the quads and hammies attached to it). A sports massage may also be very helpful.

    Did you notice any swelling or heat with your discomfort? After you run I would ice it to bring down any inflammation that may be going on. If the trouble persists after you've been stretching etc. a doctor's visit may be in store. As a runner I know how hard it is to have to take a break from running, however i'd rather be out for a couple weeks than a couple months or longer by ignoring it.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited April 2015
    I dunno, that sounds like the kind of random thing I get during a run, take a day off, and never see it again. I generally chalk those up to overdoing it slightly on one muscle for *whatever* reason, even something as random as having sat with my legs crossed for longer than usual that day.

    But yes, shortening your stride is a *great* way to reduce or eliminate the chances of developing a WHOLE host of running injuries. When you stretch out your foot too far in front of you (overstride), you radically change the impact forces on all parts of your leg. Keeping your legs underneath you is more "natural" and what your legs are used to from the walking you've been doing basically your whole life. Maybe keep that one in mind for next time. :)
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