Trying again

I tried this website about a year ago and unfortunately like everything else I gave up shortly after. I feel I have reached my all time low and need this to better my life!

I have 3 children and a husband. But honestly I want this mostly for myself. I was a chubby teenager, which sucked! After I had my 1st child at 18 I gained 50 lbs and ended up losing even more that I gained, being at about 115 lbs. I felt great! Then I had my 2nd and gained 70 lbs! It was horrible. I went into a deppression mode after that and was not able to lose any of it. I stayed at 170 until 7 years later then had my 3rd, gained 25 ish. I think I remember being 198 when I had her. After I lost what I gained, I stayed stable at 170 untill I got my tubes tied, and got married. Then it seems like I gained 30 lbs in a month! I feel awful!

Either way, I am done! I have tired every famous diet out their, bought many deit pills that of course did not work, wasted alot of money and hope! I know that in reality it isnt gonna happen over night like I always expected. It will take a while, quite a while with all the weight I have to lose! However I need to stick with it and be stong.

If anyone has any words of wisdom, I would love to hear them, I am just being and hopefully it will be my last attempt!

Thanks for reading,


  • momof2boys1321
    I know the feeling...I gained 7 lbs with my oldest son...Lost it went down to the 180 when I had him...I gained 45 lbs with my youngest one & I haven't lost any til I joined on here last week & I did quite well...I have lost almost 6 lbs...Keep your head high & it will all work out in the end...Feel free to add me or mail me back

  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I think you pretty much told your self what you need to know right now...."it isnt gonna happen over night."
    Just stay committed, and if you slip get yourself up and start over.

    Good Luck & Welcome to MFP :flowerforyou:
  • ArmyWife815
    I've just started my journey again too. I'm glad I found this site. I love it and the support everyone gives you. Hang in there! We can do it!:smile:
  • Katherine1687
    Katherine1687 Posts: 106 Member
    Just take 1 day at a time and don't give up if you have a bad day. Keep going!!

    I also put on weight after having my children. Managed to lose a lot and put it all back on (and more) when my husband lost his job. There are lots of us in the same situation on here so we can all support each other.

    Good luck... you CAN do it!!
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Mom of 3 here, too, I could be your carbon copy!! Second time has been a charm for me, my first time around I learned a lot, took a break, gained a bunch, now I'm back with a vengeance. Down 30+ lbs, and running my second half-marathon next weekend.

    You just need to realize that you are WORTH THE INCREDIBLE INVESTMENT OF TIME AND HARD WORK!!!

    Good luck!!!!!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    OMG! It's like I wrote this post . . . know exactly where you are coming from!
    I got pregnant with my daughter at 19 and have battled my weight ever since (she is almost 21), had a precious "few" years prior to that where I was active and was a healthy weight, but was mostly a bit chubby as a youngster.
    I've tried so many unhealthy ways to shed weight, my favorite horror story was the pills you took before eating, you drank a big cup of water with them and all they did was swell in your stomach so you would (hopefully) not eat as much. A week into this "plan" one got stuck in my throat and I thought I was going to die, choking to death on this swelled up pill in my throat.
    I started my journey about a year ago, had some major surgery last summer, and have been trying to continue onward now just since this spring mostly.
    Something inside me just "clicked" a little over a month ago. Everytime I feel compeled to eat something unhealthy, or be lazy, I just log onto MFP, get some motivation, and am right back at it. I've been faithful logging in daily, and have given myself permission to sometimes feel impatient, or depressed because Im not as far along as I would like to be. This is an emotional journey, that is definately to be expected. We all have good and bad days . . . but a phrase from Bob Greene (Oprah's trainer) has really stuck with me and helped me on a daily basis:

    I create myself with the choices I make each day

    I want to create a healthier, fitter, ME. It is going to take me approximately 30 weeks to get to my goal. I promised myself (out loud in front of my husband actually) that I was worth a measly 8 months of a sacrifice, just waking up every morning and only focusing on making the right decisions that day. Since I came to this decision to make the commitment to ME to do this I have been faithful to it as I would only be cheating myself . . . and I really WANT this . . .