What valuable lessons have you learned?



  • britt01any
    britt01any Posts: 83 Member
    That I will never have that "Hollywood perfect body". I am learning to love the body I have.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    73 days in
    10 kg lost

    -- CICO works.

    -- However ... results are fickle and have a mind of their own. I go several days without losing anything, then I might go up a few grams ... and finally I'll lose several grams ... only to gain one or two grams back again ... and then I remain the same for a few frustrating days ... and then all of a sudden I drop half a kilo ... Overall, I'm losing, and losing reasonably quickly, but the progress is messy.

    -- Just stick with it. I might have several days or a week where results are not looking good ... but if I just stick with it, I eventually lose.

    -- If I want to eat something special and high-cal, I have to earn it by exercising for it. Good motivation to exercise. :)

    -- You don't have to limit your diet to foods with all the excitement and flavour of cardboard. The variety in my diet has increased since I've been here. I browse the grocery store looking for interesting low-cal things to eat ... and they do exist. We're always eating different and tasty things now.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    That the rest of the world doesn't stop turning just because I've changed a habit. There will always be stress there will always be bad times (hopefully more good ) but I don't have to use that as a reason to eat or drink.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Here’s what I learnt through logging consistently and MFP in general:
    • I manage my weight better when I log and weigh myself every day.
    • Being prepared is key for me- keeping the house stocked with food I want to eat and making my meals in advance.
    • Monitoring my monthly cycle closely – and being prepared for cravings and low moods
    • I eat chocolate and something ‘dry & crispy’ everyday (within goals)- didn’t realise I did that!
    • Eating 100& clean/paleo doesn’t work for me. I need my small treats. I didn’t believe it before. I aim for 90% paleo/ clean each day (see above)
    • I’m a great cook (Okay, I already knew that!)
    • I eat quite high carb- I thought I was low carb!
    • I don’t eat anywhere near the protein levels I think I should
    • I totally UNDER estimate portion sizes and OVER estimate calorie content. I was eating much less than I thought- weighing is the best way to go. (I thought my lunch salad was 98 cals – its 42)
    • I am quite capable of eating VLC to get quick results but I tend to get tired, clumsy and confused.
    • I like cardio but strength training makes me want to cry. (I’d love to do more weights but I refuse to do it at a gym where people can see me and judge my poor form and light weights)
    • There will always be occasions to celebrate with food- if I pig-out at every one, I’ll never be how I want to be.
    • If food is not the problem- it shouldn’t be the solution!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    It's always about consistency, even the best of plans won't lead to results if you don't do it regularly.

    Exercise and strength training are incredibly efficient tools to reduce pain - I never thought I would be back and shoulder pain free again - this was just part of growing older. Surprise - the single most important benefit I have is fully functional elbows, shoulders, back and knees - I still get issues but I'm managing them better. Well, mostly.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    These are all such great answers and I hope that by doing this it has helped to re-motivate or re-light that fire and passion you have (or had) about fitness and nutrition!

    I have to say that throughout my journey, even with the struggles and challenges along the way, every lesson learned was totally worth it. I have accomplished things physically and mentally in my life that I never thought I would. I've had huge success, I've had loss, I nearly starved myself, I've eaten emotionally, I've been on track, I've fallen off track, I've tried supplements, I've gotten off the supplements, I've done countless hours of research, I've tweaked and re-tweaked and set my goals and re-set my goals and on and on and on. Just like everyone else on this journey. Every moment has been worth it and I'm proud of myself today. I love my body, I love my strength and I love myself which really should be the ultimate goal of getting fit.

    Thanks everyone!