Quest bars

I love quest bars as well as peanut butter and was wondering if they both are okay so allow in my diet? Pb is always 1-2tbs and maybe 3 days a week. Quest bars I eat for protein


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    why wouldn't they be ok?
  • omgitsdaniiii
    omgitsdaniiii Posts: 19 Member
    Some say quest bars are overly processed and wasn't sure if that was true & if it would make an impact on weight loss as well as pb which some say isn't good for you either
  • fairy2b
    fairy2b Posts: 126 Member
    Anything is "OK" when you are trying to lose weight as long as you are eating at a deficit.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    If they fit your calories, you're fine to keep eating them.

    FWIW, I eat both quite often and haven't died yet :wink:
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Some say quest bars are overly processed and wasn't sure if that was true & if it would make an impact on weight loss as well as pb which some say isn't good for you either

    They are very processed. However that won't effect weight loss/gain/maintenance if you are consuming the right amount of calories. If you are wanting to eat whole/natural foods then you should shy away from them.

    PB .....I've never heard anything bad about PB? I mean it can get calorie dense pretty fast...but I eat PB2 as a dessert lol. PB2 (powdered pb) is like half the calories and doesn't have a bunch of additives.
  • Kimo159
    Kimo159 Posts: 508 Member
    As long as it fits your calorie goal/macros you're fine. I don't know what kind of PB your eating but I usually go for a natural one with no sugar added (peanuts being the only ingredient), it's a lot better for you and has less calories that sugar laden skippy. I find it wasier to fit into my macros...also I second esjones12 on the PB2, nom nom nom.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    If you can stomach them, there is nothing wrong with them. Good macros and lots of fiber.
  • Hausisse1
    Hausisse1 Posts: 165 Member
    Yeah, I love Quest Bars because they're delicious and a good source of protein, but I generally eat all-natural stuff so I'm pretty suspicious of 'em! I eat nonfat plain Greek yogurt or chicken or fish and the like almost every day post workout, but about once a week I have a Quest Bar to kinda treat myself. :) As for peanut butter, as long as you're got the all-natural stuff with no sugar added and watch your portion sizes, you're a-okay!
  • omgitsdaniiii
    omgitsdaniiii Posts: 19 Member
    Basically I just need to lose the last stubborn inch of belly fat and hopefully my abs will start to show so I'm trying to do whatever I can and if that means eliminating those foods then I would! But as long as it's not hurting me I'm good! I'll look into that pb2!! Thanks :)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Basically I just need to lose the last stubborn inch of belly fat and hopefully my abs will start to show so I'm trying to do whatever I can and if that means eliminating those foods then I would! But as long as it's not hurting me I'm good! I'll look into that pb2!! Thanks :)

    strength train / calorie deficit - that is all that matters.
  • omgitsdaniiii
    omgitsdaniiii Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you for all of the advice! & I do strength train and cardio about 5-6x a week. Do you suggest lighter weights more reps or heavy weights lower reps?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    heavy weights, lower reps. Focus on compound lifts.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Heavy weights in the lower rep range. A program like Stronglifts 5x5 is a great beginners program to get you on the right track.
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    Love Quest bars. Cookies & Cream, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and Smores are my favorite.

    They are pricey, but I use them as a treat in place of worse (more expensive) things I could have like whole cartons of Ben & Jerry's, so I figure I'm saving money :wink:

    Sign-up for alerts at Just picked up a couple boxes last week when they were on special at (with a first time customer 20% coupon) that made them almost half off.
  • ajsmith1974
    ajsmith1974 Posts: 6 Member
    Quest protein powder is wonderful and bakes well instead of using flour. I make good protein muffins and cookies now that are low carb and have protein.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Some say quest bars are overly processed and wasn't sure if that was true & if it would make an impact on weight loss as well as pb which some say isn't good for you either

    they are highly processed...that really doesn't matter for losing weight; opinions vary greatly on weather it's "good" for you or not.

    Personally, I try to get as much whole food nutrition as possible but completely avoided processed foods is pretty difficult...but I try to keep it to a minimum.
  • omgitsdaniiii
    omgitsdaniiii Posts: 19 Member
    Perfect! Thanks everyone
  • nickatine
    nickatine Posts: 451 Member
    Yes go ahead eat both, I have topped a double chocolate chunk quest bar with crunchy peanut butter many a time.
  • omgitsdaniiii
    omgitsdaniiii Posts: 19 Member
    I think I'll be fine since it's only a couple times a week and I only eat them for protein! Also could I have come examples of compound weights? Other than deadlifts, pull ups and squats