30-day Squat Challenge

Has anyone done one of these before?

On April 21st a few friends and I decided to do a 30 day squat challenge. We choice this circuit:

We're on day 10 right now (95 squats!). I am trying super hard to make sure that my form stays good even though the numbers are getting higher every day... It helps that I already notice a difference in my butt. But man I don't know if I'll make it to day 30! Add to that is the knowledge that just because the 30 days are over doesn't mean I can stop--or I'll lose the progress I've made.


  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    On day 21! Haven't done them today yet but never thought I would get this far.
  • rupertspenser
    rupertspenser Posts: 567 Member
    way to go!!! keep it up!! how are you feeling?
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    Pretty good! Sore but that's to be expected... I was surprised at how it tricks you. The sets sound so reasonable and it drops you down in between days so that you get a little rest even when it's not an official "Rest" day. Definitely feeling stronger and can do the first 100 no problem!!
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    You go girl
  • rupertspenser
    rupertspenser Posts: 567 Member
    wow FIRST 100?
    how many are you doing now?
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    JarethG wrote: »
    I've challenged several people to one, but I found none who had the fortitude to attempt.

    I was sad, but not surprised.

    Pick a starting weight, for the next 30 days, add a kilo a day, and a rep a day.

    Starting with 3 sets of 3. Front squats, zerchers, or zombies only. Dead squat bars are ok too, but no straps.

    I did it last month, taxing mentally and physically.

    How does that even work? I'd be missing reps about half way through.
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    We're doing this one found on PopSugar Fitness:

    When I say "no problem" I really mean that I can do them and not get to the "oh god no more please" point. I still feel them and there's definitely a burn but it's working out well.

    I like the one above because it's a circuit-- I'm doing 5 different types of squats. Also it breaks it down into reps (and then you repeat the circuit) which means that I have a better chance of keeping my form good. The way it breaks down the reps as well makes it do-able.

    I really like that it doesn't go up each day. For example last week was 135 then dropped down to 75 then up to 140 then a rest day. It makes it feel like you can do it. Also I found that if I do the elliptical to warm up, then do my squats, then do a little more time on the machine it helps with the soreness.

    I am the very last person I thought would be able to do this but it's possible! And it feels really really good.