I made excuses the first time around...

AngelFire404 Posts: 18 Member
edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I just started tracking calories and exercise in fitness pal this week. I'm doing this along with T25 Focus-Beachbody. I am on a 1600 calorie diet, but have been eating anywhere between 1200-1600 each day, but need to up my water intake. Two of my past problems were that I was very inactive and would wait too long between meals to eat and then get so hungry that I binged on unhealthy solutions, such as fast foods and foods loaded with carbs. Even now as I check out the myfitness pals community, there is an ad on my side bar for McD's chicken nuggets for 1.99!!! I WILL NOT SUCCUMB. I've tried WW, but would like to try MFP since it's based on calories rather than a point system. My first goal is to get my BMI into a healthy range, but I want to lose at least 40 pounds by December and get rid of this muffin top belly.


  • HealthierAnn
    HealthierAnn Posts: 40 Member
    Hi AngelFire404 ~ It's nice to meet you. I was going to start T25 today, but have to wait until after June 8th. I had knee surgery in March.

    It's frustrating when you're on a site like MFP and you see ad's for fast food. I tried WW, but was paying the monthly fee just to track points. I quit WW and started tracking on MFP.

    Sounds like you have some good goals in place. You'll reach your goals!!

    What other workouts do you like?
  • AngelFire404
    AngelFire404 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Ann! I love T25 so far, but this is only Week 2 for me. I'm going to do my best to keep going :) I'm doing 1 workout, 5 days a week because of my work schedule, but before T25 I enjoyed walking/jogging 2-3 miles 3/4 days a week. I lost 10 pounds in a month by just doing that.