Me too

fadraface01 Posts: 21 Member
Third timer here! I can never seem to follow through for more than a few months. I get very discouraged very easily if I don't see results! This time however I have been doing the app with wonderslim diet and feel much more encouraged than I have in years! 230 pounds and want to get back down to 160 area! I'm also reaching out to others for support which is something g I never did before. They say friends help and since I'm not very social maybe some on line friends will do the trick


  • BreR7906
    BreR7906 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm a first timer with the same numbers and dedicated to make it work. Feel free to add me for support. Good luck on your journey!
  • fadraface01
    fadraface01 Posts: 21 Member
    You too! I feel like singing that song from I think Laverne and Shirley "we're gonna make it after all!"
  • anditclee
    anditclee Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also doing wonderslim for the first time. So far 15 lbs in 3 weeks im encouraged. My starting weight is higher but I know I can do this. Going to add you both!