how long



  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited May 2015
    i have lost almost 90 so far.
    And i dont get discouraged because i want to be 150 pound ( or 144)

    There is no excuse to not reach my goal.

    So why getting discouraged? i can eat what i want, only in moderation thats all.

    and when i lose motivation i only hurt myself with it. I will be unhealthy, ( my BP will go sky high again) and face a lot of other health issue's and dead at one point because of it.
    So simple choice I dont get discouraged, i choice for myself. POINT!
  • elizabethcook5
    elizabethcook5 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you..I know 114 lbs is a lot to loose and its going to take some time.its just nice to see how everyone else has done and how long it took..its good motivation
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Thank you..I know 114 lbs is a lot to loose and its going to take some time.its just nice to see how everyone else has done and how long it took..its good motivation

    You'll get there! Just try and enjoy the ride.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thank you..I know 114 lbs is a lot to loose and its going to take some time.its just nice to see how everyone else has done and how long it took..its good motivation

    it is a lot, but what matters how long it takes to get there, if your choice is being healthy and fit, or unhealthy and fat.
    ( i am not saying that fat people cant be healthy)
    The choice is to decide to do this for yourself no matter how long it takes.

  • elizabethcook5
    elizabethcook5 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you..Its gonna be a long road but so worth it all when I get to my goal. I'm looking forward to that day
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    I lost about 64lbs in a year, aiming to lose 15-20 more. It's important to remember that you will see progress earlier, so even if it does take 2 years or more to reach your goal weight, you will feel better along the way. I'm not at my goal yet, and expect to take around the rest of this year to reach my goal, but I'm so much more fit, happy, comfortable, and confident than I was when I started last April. Figure out how to make this enjoyable and sustainable, and the time passes pretty fast.

    When I started, I had a similar attitude about eating below my goal (not dangerously low) because I didn't see the point in eating just to fill the calories, and I wanted to lose weight fast. But, I educated myself about the benefits of losing a bit slower (this is not about "starvation mode", which is a myth, but about things like retaining muscle mass and reducing loose skin), and I started eating at my goal after the first month or so. It's nice to be able to fit in treats or cook somewhat higher calorie meals - helps me stay on track.