Lost my way - starting over - advise and motivation wanted!



  • kmruse
    kmruse Posts: 19
    Nicole I also have lost my way but it has been 8 months rather than a few weeks and my gain is over 28lbs. I too am feeling rubbish and de-motivated so it would be great to spur each other on. I lost 3 stone last year and was really pleased with the results and then Christmas and giving up smoking happened and I have sadly put the weight back on due to bad habits creeping back into my life. I have come back to MFP in order to bring that structure back to my life although I still have junk food to use up and will not notice much change over the next couple of weeks. I think that monitoring what I am eating will motivate me more when I see just how badly I have been eating. Kari..
  • No1Stinger
    No1Stinger Posts: 12 Member
    I too lost my way.
    Dropped down from over 16stone to just under 13.
    I'm now back to 15stone 4lb.

    My wife and I are now back on healthy eating and we start exercising next week due to commitments.
    If we did it once, WE CAN DO IT AGAIN.
    Just gotta stop having Chinese and pizza and other takeaway foods later on during the night lol.
  • Nikki_XC
    Nikki_XC Posts: 69
    Hi there! I just sent you a request as I too need to lose around the same amount... I've been successful in the past, and am plenty active! However, I need to plan my meals better because I know that's what's killing me!! haha
  • Ashwiggs722
    Ashwiggs722 Posts: 2 Member
    It's not just about losing weight. Sometimes I feel like it's more of a mental game that i'm playing with myself. Gotta Stay Positive and look towards the goal (At least, that's what I'm telling myself)!! We got this!
  • Addict92
    Addict92 Posts: 12 Member
    Last year i lost 3 stone and a stone this year but I've put ten pounds on in recent months as I get depressed and stuff my face which helps nothing. I want to lose the weight now as I think my health is suffering, I want to look good, feel good and prove everyone wrong as they all think I cant do it. I have 2 family members that hate that I am fat so that's my motivation to get rid of the weight.

    feel free to add for mutual support.

  • lairyliam
    lairyliam Posts: 33 Member
    You can do this.

    Try not to think of it as a weight loss.... Think of it as a re education.

    Eat what you need, not what you want. count every calorie, and once in a while treat yourself. (extra work outs = treat food)

    Also, my biggest key is water. whenever i feel like gouging on food, i drink lots of it.

    As someone has said. eating is the easy bit, getting your head in the game is the tough bit,

    Good Luck!
  • KimLee76
    KimLee76 Posts: 89
    First of all, congrats on maintaining your 16 lb loss! I understand that it was originally 23, but let that go and be proud that you didn't fall into regaining all and then some. :)

    Since structure is important to you, take some time ASAP to set up a schedule. Of course you should revise and improve it as needed along the way, but at least get Plan A in place.

    I have found that Plan B is equally important to me so that I have a backup if the weather is bad or I get stuck in traffic or whatever excuses I take advantage of when unexpected things happen. Mine are home routines that only require I get up off the couch lol.

    Another thing I have found to be especially helpful is intentionally being more physically active in your everyday life. You know the little things we all know but don't always do like parking further out in the parking lot and taking the stairs. In addition, I ltry to do something something other than walk to the fridge lol during commercial breaks like dance.

    I know how you feel, but hang in there! Just make the decision that you will never give up.
  • nicole_andan
    nicole_andan Posts: 127
    Shucks :blushing:

    I'm so pleased so many of you got in touch and have told me about your own blips!!!! It's so easy to read some of the forums and think that things are easy and that there aren't huge landslides in a journey to weightloss or fitness or whatever your goals are. Thanks for all of the support xx