Will you Please Help, Review My Food & Exercise Diaries

I joined www.myfitnesspal.com a little over a month ago. I signed up for Gold's Gym and I've been tracking my food and exercise consistently.

For the first 2 1/2 to 3 weeks the weight seemed to shed off, but the past week or week and a half the scale hasn't moved!

After some research I changed my macronutrient ratio to 40/40/20 instead of the www.myfitnesspal.com default.

Will you help review my food & exercise diaries to give me advice and input?

Thanks for taking the time to help me!


  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I'm no nutritionist, but I noticed 2 things.

    1. Not nearly enough fruits and 0 veggies on any of the days.

    2. Cheese at almost every meal.

    I myself am bad about the veggies and cheese is my downfall over almost anything else.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    I agree... at almost every meal, you're giving up 300 calories to cheese. If you wnat cheese that badily, perhaps try a lower fat cheese, or better yet, cut it thinner so you're using less. Also, the only vegetable i've noticed is baked potato over and over... while potatoes are good, you're missing a lot of nutrients by not eating a variety of vegetables. some vegetables - like celery - are actual negative calorie counters. but better yet, brocoli is only like 60 calories or so for 1 cup,much better compared to 385 calories for a potato. Asparagus is also another good one. brocoli, brussel sprouts, eggplant and spinach are all super high in fibre, which helps fill you up. but If you want your potato, you should consider buying small potatoes, or sharing half with someone. good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    You seem to have a lot of cheese and carbs.....you need more veggies, fiber, and fruit. There's some new information out there regarding protein shakes that may suggest they do more harm then good. Maybe substitute veggies / fruit in place of the protein shake? I may suggest a probiotic as well....beneficial bacterial into your digestive system (think of the good things in yogurt multiplied by 10 in an easy pill form). They can be found at most health food stores.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    I noticed your sodium level is usally higher then recommended. Sodium is a downfall for me, and cheese has alot. Are you getting enough water to help flush your system with all of the sodium intake you have? When I started, I lost 20lbs in the first 3 weeks. I thought, WOW, this is going to be easy. WRONG! Your first couple of weeks you loose alot of your water weight. Once it is gone, it become's more difficult to start getting rid of the fat. Also, you should measure. Your "inches" will come off sometimes when the scale shows nothing off from building muscle.
  • caldwellchris
    Thanks for the input, please continue!

    My entire day is focused on balancing all of my daily requirements from www.myfitnesspal.com:

    1) I eat cheese to meet my fats for the day

    2) I eat the potatoes to make my levels of potassium required.

    I love the perspective, please keep sharing!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    One thing I have noticed is you eat a lot of processed food, and seem to always be over on your sodium. MFP sets you at 2500mg which is very high and you seem to go over on that every day. Recommended is 1500mg; however it’s suggested not to go over 2500mg. Sodium causes you to retain water and also gain weight. When you take in a lot of sodium, you in turn would need to drink a lot of water, to help flush out the excess sodium

    Also based on how your diary is set up, you don’t eat any meals in between breakfast and lunch, nor in between, lunch and dinner. You need to eat every 2-4 hours, to keep your metabolism moving. This would be a good way to add fruits and veggies to your diet; you can put the fruits and veggies in between those meals
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Try to replace the cheese with avocado, nuts, yogurt, olive oil, etc. if you are looking to increase your fat. It will add some variety and decrease your sodium. Also, extra sharp cheddar (full fat) is the best cheeese ever, because it has such strong flavor that you only need to use a bit of it. I agree with the PP, you should try to incorporate more whole foods rather than processed. I found I could eat more that way.

    Do you take a daily vitamin? If so, there is no need to go crazy on the potassium, unless you have advice from a doctor stating otherwise.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Thanks for the input, please continue!

    My entire day is focused on balancing all of my daily requirements from www.myfitnesspal.com:

    1) I eat cheese to meet my fats for the day

    2) I eat the potatoes to make my levels of potassium required.

    I love the perspective, please keep sharing!

    For better fats, use olive oil, eat avocado, eat almonds, etc. There are more ways to get fat (and "better" fats) without all that cheese.

    For potassium, I just checked my diary, and a can of V8 has a TON, so...oh wait, you already drink that, AND eat bananas...well, there HAS to be a better way than all those potatoes...take a supplement maybe? Why is it so HIGH anyways? Yours is WAY higher than mine. Is there a specific reason you need so much? Or just cuz you're a guy? I know men need more.

    And like everyone else said: Fruits and veggies! Carrot sticks, broccoli, grapes, apples, strawberries...all delicious healthy snacks you can eat throughout the day between meals, so you can keep the meals smaller and not feel hungry.

    Keep your sodium down and drink a ton of water.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks for the input, please continue!

    My entire day is focused on balancing all of my daily requirements from www.myfitnesspal.com:

    1) I eat cheese to meet my fats for the day

    2) I eat the potatoes to make my levels of potassium required.

    I love the perspective, please keep sharing!

    i know avacado was mentioned a few times here, to help increase the fats, but avacado also has a lot of potassium, so you can kill two birds with one stone.