really need a friend

kemro101 Posts: 4 Member
I am 86kg at the age of 20years I really want to lose this weight but its so hard when I have nobody who can relate or motivate me:( I just need someone who really wants to lose weight at home. Food is the biggest obstacle for me as I get hungry just by mentioning it


  • jamilia_ann
    jamilia_ann Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Lets be fitness buddies!!
  • rohah
    rohah Posts: 1 Member
    I'm type 2 diabetic and my A1c was 8.0 and weight was the heaviest I've ever been in my life when I went to my Dr appt on Apr 9th. She said to me, if you don't like it only you can do something about it. What I did was buy a fitbit and start moving. My job has me sitting behind a desk all day and I really needed some motivation to move. The fitbit integrates with myfitnesspal and monitors your daily activity. You have to be honest with yourself and track everything going in, but if you follow what is suggested it does work. I put in my profile I wanted to lose 1 pound a week, but I also try and keep may calorie intake around 1500, do the 10000 steps a day and at least 30 mins a day doing exercise (which usually is a walk, I do 2 miles a day). To date, I've lost 20 lbs and my blood glucose levels have never been better. I'm actually amazed that I've lost that much weight so fast but I'll take it!! I have about another 80 lb's to go to reach my goal but THIS WORKS!! YOU CAN DO IT if you put your mind to it, and drink water if you feel hungry. For me the 1500 calories a day seems to be enough and I'm not hungry.
  • brussell2sprout
    brussell2sprout Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2015
    You can do this kemro101!!! I turn 48 tomorrow and just hit the 50 lb loss with about 110 to go. I just started using MFP not quite 2 months ago and 20lbs of my loss has been since that time. I love to look at my friends food diaries for ideas. The success stories help to keep me inspired and motivated. At my age I just started doing cardio kickboxing about 3 months ago and I love it, although it about kicks my butt every time! I may have quite a few years on you...but I can definitely relate!!! I found that I'm not always hungry when I think I am...often boredom, nervousness, I really try to make sure I am actually hungry before I eat. You can do this!!!
  • kemro101
    kemro101 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow this is motivation for me, you are truly a remarkable person:(
  • samanthamarkham8
    samanthamarkham8 Posts: 72 Member
    Add me
  • mrsbaileyxx
    mrsbaileyxx Posts: 5 Member
    Hi it would be great to buddy up with you we all need that be of help and a push from time to time.
  • abev1016
    abev1016 Posts: 44 Member
    I have also been working out at home but I have found several recepies that are good and that a keeps me within my daily calorie expectation goal
  • musicandarts
    musicandarts Posts: 187 Member
    It works a lot better if you can find a real-life weight loss buddy. MFP buddies are nice, but we tend to ignore them when we fall off the wagon.
  • kdoodlethug
    kdoodlethug Posts: 24 Member
    Add me-- I'm 21 so we're close in age! :)
  • SamanthasFitnessLog
    SamanthasFitnessLog Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add me; I'm 30 lbs down (13.5 kg) and 10 lbs (4.5 kg) to go!
  • defadonna
    defadonna Posts: 13 Member
    kemro101 wrote: »
    I am 86kg at the age of 20years I really want to lose this weight but its so hard when I have nobody who can relate or motivate me:( I just need someone who really wants to lose weight at home. Food is the biggest obstacle for me as I get hungry just by mentioning it

    Add me x